My Daily Cardiff North – 2 June 2017

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General Election

Craig Williams has been out canvassing.

Did you spot Steffan Webb out in Rhiwbina?

Anna McMorrin shared this video with Shadow Brexit Secretary Keir Starmer.

Matt Hemsley linked to this Economist article.

Candidate Comments – Steffan Webb



Question 1 – Why are you standing for Cardiff North?

To make a difference and offer a real alternative to the tired British London based parties.

Question 2 – What personal qualities do you have that would make you a good MP?

Hard working, honest person who tries to listen, learn and make relevant improvments

Question 3 – When did you join your party and why?

Very recently, 2015, because of constant Labour support for austerity and excellent alternative provided by Leanne Wood with Plaid Cymru

National Issues

Question 4 – What pledges in your manifesto would you change?

I am quite happy with the 2017 Plaid Cymru action plan

Question 5 – Where do you stand on brexit and how do you think the process will affect Cardiff North?

Voted remain but accept the decision and will work for a positive post Brexit plan. Our economy, education system, workers rights and even our democracy could be in danger and will need to be defended during the Brexit process. All of these issues will affect Cardiff North. We will need to work to make it a success but it may be the opportunity that people have voted for.

Question 6 – What national issues would you like to get involved in and why?

Health because our policy of 1,000 new doctors and 5,000 new nurses is a great start, even though this is a devolved issue. Prevention is also better than trying to make good later and I do like the efforts of the Big Issue so homelessness and literacy are issues I would like to work on. A green economy and sustainable transport answers also appeals as does international development. Devolution of issues such as broadcasting and policing would also appeal.

Local Issues

Question 7 – What local issues will you prioritise?

Transport and planning with the city deal, electric trains and local housing / Velindre hospital development being issues needing attention. Local businesses and community groups need support.

Question 8 – For local issues that aren’t an MP’s direct responsibility, how will you make a difference?

Financial and devolution settlements will provide a direct link but other matters can be influenced by partnership working with International, Assembly and local authority partners and even helping community, business and specific issue groups to access support wherever possible

Question 9 – What will you do to ensure you’re a visible MP?

I do like social media. I also like talking with and listening to people face to face so I would make time for people. I would also provide a welcome for people in Westminster. Regular feedback would be provided and constituents would be consulted as often as possible.


Question 10 – What’s the most difficult question you’ve been asked during the campaign and how did you reply?

Individual rights questions are difficult when one persons beliefs impact on someone else’s life. You can’t please all the people all the time so you have to do what you think is right if you can.

Question 11 – What would you say to someone who isn’t planning on voting?

Please think again. Every vote counts on a policy level and an individual level. Vote for what feels right to you. Vote for whoever you think is the best person, party or even party leader. Its your choice now. You can choose something else in the future. Vote for what you want.

Question 12 – What’s your favourite biscuit?


My Daily Cardiff North – 30 May 2017

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General Election

Steffan Webb has been out in Llanishen.


Craig Williams shared this post commenting on the leaders debate.


Anna McMorrin welcomed Keir Starmer to Cardiff North.

Matt Hemsley shared this link to an article about the Lib Dem’s plans to combat terrorism.


UKIP candidate Gary Oldfield doesn’t have any social media accounts for his campaign.

My Daily Cardiff North – 26 May 2017

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General Election

The Llandaff North hustings were a great success last night. View the broadcast and watch the candidates’ pitches on yesterday’s post.

Steffan Webb posted this video about the NHS.


Some photos from Craig Williams at last night’s hustings.


Matt Hemsley joined Anna and Steffan at the NUS hustings.

Anna McMorrin posted video a few days ago at a community garden in Whitchurch.

My Daily Cardiff North – 25 May 2017

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General Election

We attended the Llandaff North general election hustings tonight. All the candidates except UKIP’s Gary Oldfield took part.

To read our Tweets from the debate, head over to Twitter.


We recorded the opening speeches for you to see the candidates’ pitches.


If you’d like to watch the whole thing, we streamed the debate using Periscope. It’s just over 90 minutes long.

My Daily Cardiff North – 22 May 2017

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General Election

Hope you’re not getting board of these posts!


Steffan in Llandaff North.


Craig is staying Positif.


Matt is calling on Teresa May to “drop her dementia tax plan”.

My Daily Cardiff North – 21 May 2017

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General Election

Anna McMorrin has been visiting students to discuss Labour’s plan to abolish tuition fees.


Steffan Webb has been canvassing in Birchgrove.


Craig Williams has been in Whitchurch today.


Matt Hemsley criticises Labour’s manifesto.


UKIP candidate Gary Oldfield doesn’t have any social media accounts or website for campaigning so I’m unable to share anything.

My Daily Cardiff North – 20 May 2017

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General Election

The Llandaff North Residents’ Association have organised a hustings for Thursday 25th May at 7pm in All Saints’ Church, Llandaff North.

Steffan Webb’s been visiting Castell Coch in Tongwynlais to talk about the Plaid Cymru manifesto and how they want to defend Wales.


Anna McMorrin’s been visiting the GMB Union.

Craig Williams has been out in Llanishen talking about national and local issues.


Matt Hemsley has shared the Lib Dem’s video about building 300,00 homes per year.


We’ve added UKIP candidate Gary Oldfield’s photo and biography to his profile page.