Tag: heath

Peter Hudson: Conservatives – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Peter Hudson

Name – Peter Hudson
Party – Conservatives
Ward – Heath
Twitter  – @PeterMHudson1
How can people get in touch with you?

About You

Tell us about yourself

Married to the local councillor, Lyn Hudson, I am standing this time alongside her having supported her in her work since her first election in 2008.  The third candidate standing with us is an experienced ex-councillor for Heath, Michelle Michaelis.

I have been heavily involved in the charity sector and volunteered for many fundraisers, and collections plusorganised charity events.

I have been in business all my life, starting with a shop in City Road which dealt with auto-electrical towing and marine equipment

When I was in my early fifties, I obtained my degree as a mature student in Computer & IT.

Throughout most of my business life, I trained and providedplacements for vulnerable people to develop their potential something which gave me great satisfaction.

A Governor for Birchgrove Primary School for about 6 years I have also been involved in fundraising for the school and think education is essential to help our children achieve their potential.

I have always been involved in the community of Heath where I have lived for many years, and have opposed unneighbourly developments in the ward.

In my private life I have rescued many dogs, including great danes which are sometimes difficult to re-home. I even took one dog to work with me and she proved to be a fantastic companion and an asset to the business.

I have a great love of the area and regularly walk our current dog in Heath Park which is at the heart of Heath.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

It has to be that the parking and the lack of it, combined with the fact that we have one of the biggest teaching hospitals in Wales on our doorstep, has made this an ongoing issue.

The state of the roads, many of which need resurfacing, plusthe dismal change to Caerphilly Road is a problem that is worrying many residents including myself.

The ongoing closure of Wedal Road is an issue as it is the only tip north of the city and the length of the journey times to the other tip in Lamby Way has been woefully underestimated.

The amount of shops closing in Caerphilly Road shopping area, and the uncompleted regeneration scheme which has cost millions of pounds, despite being told it would bring enhanced business to the area.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

The community of Birchgrove and Heath, and I include the Birchgrove Pub and Birchgrove School which is where I feel they are the hub of the ward and which contribute each in its own way to a fantastic atmosphere.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Talking to people and more importantly listening to them.  We do so much by modern methods that sometimes the personal touch is overlooked and we need to meet with people who are hard to reach by modern methods.

What’s your favourite film?


If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Hopefully find a solution to the parking problem and Caerphilly Road congestion.

Also the waste collection of green bins in the autumn when leaves fall in certain areas such as Heathwood Road where in December there is needed an extra green bin collection not less.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Via social media, face to face surgeries, PACT meetings in revolving locations and as required, holding meetings to discuss events in the ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

The bus station, the Sophia Gardens long distance bus terminus and unblocking the north to south routes of the city.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

This unprecedented high-rise student accommodation, which could be the slums of the future.

Better transport and parking when we hold prestigious events in the city.

Any final comments?

I feel that at this time in my life, I am experienced, qualified and in the right frame of mind to carry out the duties of councillor.

Lyn Hudson: Conservatives – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Lyn Hudson

Name – Lyn Hudson
Party – Conservatives
Ward – Heath
Twitter  – @orbiscat
Facebook – LynHudsonCardiff
How can people get in touch with you? – 07900 167933 and lyn.hudson@hotmail.com.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I’m married over 33 years to Peter Hudson who is also standing for council in Heath. I have lived in Heath for nearly 50 years, so it has a special place in my heart. Standing alongside us is Michelle Michaelis, a former councillor and one who has a wealth of expertise. I have been a councillor since 2008, re-elected in 2012.

I set up a street party for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in Crystal Avenue, fundraising and organising it which was then celebrated in the Citizens hall Heath Park when the weather forecast was decidedly poor. I became a councillor after opposing a garden-grabbing development in Heathwood Road and was successful in getting it reduced in size.

We are parents and grandparents and I’m a proud Governor of Ton yr Ywen Primary School. Education is very important to me as this has to be a priority to give our children the best start in life against a competitive market.

I am a dementia friend and care for my disabled mum who lives with us and is 91 years young.

Having a love of all animals, I have owned, bred and shown pedigree dogs and especially cats for over 30 years.

Passionate about Heath, I was also instrumental in getting the re-dedication of Heath Park and preserving it from any further development.

I was delighted to receive a Certificate of Commendation from the Merchant Navy Welfare Board for my services to the committee which was a huge but welcome surprise.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

One of the biggest issues in the ward has been parking, especially around the University Hospital of Wales area. I took a petition to the Welsh Government in 2008 and it has been an ongoing issue ever since.

Another issue has been the dangerous bus lanes that continue to blight Caerphilly Road and we still do not have enough parking to allow people to visit the area, as well as residents who need to park on their street.

Also there is the issue is the proposed closure of Wedal Road tip. We’ve been told that there is to be a recycling centre possibly in Cardiff North but this will not include a tip and to date nothing has materialised.

We will be fighting the disastrous consequences of a disorganised, divided Labour administration in Cardiff, as well as the Welsh Government who despite having received the best settlement in funding from Westminster, have not used it wisely.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

I can’t choose between two places. One has to be Heath Park where we regularly walk our dog. It’s beautiful there, especially to see the changing seasons and it’s also a great place to meet people, whether they are dog walkers like ourselves, playing sport or using the many other facilities on the park. Our grandchildren love the park.

The other place is Caerphilly Road which is lively, friendly and busy at any time of the day and night. It’s our favourite place to shop or eat, as we are blessed with many individual unique businesses and there is such a variety of good food and drink.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

I think councillors should be active and visible in the community. That means using local shops and amenities and being proactive in meeting residents in the areas that are popular, such as my surgeries which are held in the local Birchgrove pub. It’s there that I meet people who want to speak informally and who would not necessarily want a formal setting. We also learn a lot about what is going on and what people would like to see in the ward. I use social media to inform the residents of changes or any alerts that I receive from Council or Police. I also have meetings to discuss proposals that effect the locality or to discuss consultations that will have an impact on the ward. This is important for people who are not on social media, and who cannot access the usual channels.

What’s your favourite film?

The Sound of Music, a feel-good film perennial that our children and grandchildren grew up with and which still comes out from time to time.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I would like to see another parking review, as this is still such a huge issue in the ward. My wish would be to have more hybrid parking, that is, some free parking, some time-limited parking and some residents’ only parking.

I want a parking review with a difference. I would like to see parity over the ward, something that would be a fairer system than present, but also tailored to different areas, as for example, some streets have issues with parking for the train stations, while others have problems as they are closer to the hospital.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Holding regular surgeries, holding meetings to discuss individual issues and by informing residents via social media and modern technology.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Parking in the individual wards that are blighted by insufficient parking and parking near or in the city centre to access shops, hotels, train and bus stations. This is a huge problem and at present this does not address the needs of the disabled, especially in the city centre.

The City Deal brought about a great opportunity to benefit not only Cardiff but other areas wider of the city. This is an exciting chance for Cardiff to be involved at base level in forming a vibrant venue for both visitors and residents.

The electrification of the railways which is again a chance to connect with the wider outlying areas to make it easier for work or leisure in our city.

A metro system that equals those in other cities and makes transport more of a pleasure than a chore.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I would like to see an integrated transport system, with one ‘ticket to ride’ on a variety of buses, trains and hopefully a new metro system. Having used various systems in other cities, it seems to work very well and it should be well signposted not only in the city centre but to get to the outskirts of the city as well, which will alleviate a lot of the problems in getting around our city easily and more importantly, quickly.

Any final comments?

I am delighted to be involved in the Transforming Cancer Services programme for Velindre and wherever the new centre will be based, it is badly needed. Having attended many workshops with politicians and other interested parties, it’s obvious that this hideous disease touches many families and if we want to advance medicine in this area, it will of necessity have to expand to accommodate the technology and expertise needed. I hope there will be a breakthrough in my lifetime and I am always optimistic!

Steven Bowden: Independent – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Steve Bowden

Name – Steven Bowden
Party – Independent
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk
Twitter  – @SteveBowden10
Facebook – N/A
How can people get in touch with you? – Twitter, bowden.steve@gmail.com, website, face to face.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I am 62 years old and a Cardiff boy. University in Liverpool then worked in London for 6 years before returning to Wales. I have lived in Birchgrove since 1985. My 2 sons both went to school at Ton yr Ywen and Whitchurch schools. I was involved in fund raising for the Friends of Ton yr Ywen and the local Cub/Scout group. I was a governor at Ton yr Ywen School.

I was a hospital pharmacist for 35 years before retiring. I’m a season ticket holder at the Blues and a vinyl record collector. I have been engaged in politics since 1985 and believe strongly in electoral reform.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

As we have two of the major arterial roads coming into Cardiff through our Ward, traffic and congestion is a major issue. Linked to this is the air pollution associated with congestion. Well-resourced Park and Ride facilities need to be developed and promoted so that commuters will use them.

The Council, University Hospital and the Assembly need to co-operate to find solutions to the problems associated with parking. It must be recognised that more on-site provision is needed and vastly improved public transport is required now. We cannot wait for the “Metro” to be developed.

Our parks and green spaces need protection and funding but, as they are not a statutory requirement, then new ways of funding will need to be explored.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

One of my favourite places is the Wenallt – I love the view over Cardiff and have many happy childhood memories.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Needs to be taught in school. Not as an examinable subject but to demonstrate how the system works. At present many adults are in the dark about the mechanics of elections, canvassing etc, so start early and educate the younger generation who need to vote in their own interests.

What’s your favourite film?

Depends on my mood. Drama- Usual Suspects. Humour- A Private Function.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

As we have two of the major arterial roads coming into Cardiff through our Ward, traffic and congestion is a major issue. Linked to this is the air pollution associated with congestion. Well-resourced Park and Ride facilities need to be developed and promoted so that commuters will use them.

The Council, University Hospital and the Assembly need to co-operate to find solutions to the problems associated with parking. It must be recognised that more on-site provision is needed and vastly improved public transport is required now. We cannot wait for the “Metro” to be developed.

Our parks and green spaces need protection and funding but, as they are not a statutory requirement, then new ways of funding will need to be explored.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Already have a website at www.heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk. I would hold regular surgeries and continue to keep residents informed through local leaflets. I am on Twitter too. As a local resident I’m often out and about in the ward so can be approached face to face.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Transport and environment. There is a desperate need to prevent gridlock; discourage rat- running; improve public transport; and promote walking and cycling. This is vital to improve air quality and reduce pollution.

The road network. It is barely coping now but if the current LDP is followed without a massive improvement in public transport before the development takes place, I feel it will become gridlocked. The South Wales Metro needs more investment if it is going to succeed.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

The things I would change are firstly the bus station plan. I do not believe the current model will work as an efficient interchange in normal circumstances, never mind on big event days like the six nations games.

Secondly, as an occasional attender at Clwb Ifor Bach I would like to amend any planning requirements that effectively force establishments to close because of new developments. The situation on Womanby St. is deeply disturbing and venues must be supported.

Any final comments?

I have come to appreciate that the role of a councillor is not just about the efficient running of the city but importantly about representing and helping individuals. Often people with a problem approach their local councillor first when they need to be accessing their AM or MP , but as a first point of contact we have a role in guiding them to the right person.

Therefore being local and accessible is very important.

Jane Reece: Independent – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Jane Reece

Name – Jane Reece
Party – Independent
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk
Twitter  – @janemreece115
Facebook – Jane Reece
How can people get in touch with you? – Telephone, janemreece@gmail.com, Twitter and Facebook

About You

Tell us about yourself

I am a mother of three grown up children and a grandmother of two. My working background is in residential care working with older people. I have a severely disabled husband who is confined to a wheelchair and am a user of a mobility scooter myself, therefore I am passionate about all types of disability issues. I was a Cardiff County Councillor for nine years representing the residents of Cathays. I am also a trained adviser for the Citizens Advice Bureau and am also very passionate about any equality rights. I enjoy empowering people to stand up for their rights.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Parking problems are a huge issue, many of the staff from The University Hospital of Wales park in any available space throughout the ward.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My favourite place in Cardiff is Heath Park, I regularly walk my dog there, I find it very relaxing which also gives me time to think.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

I believe that too many people are extremely fed up with party politics, therefore do not see the point in voting. I feel that all parties should be getting together to encourage the public to vote, but I am afraid this will not happen until the fighting between different parties stops and all parties work for the benefit of the people.

What’s your favourite film?

Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, I enjoy period dramas.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Campaign for more Park and Ride facilities which would certainly help cut down the parking problems within the ward.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

The most important part of engaging with residents is to listen to them and act on their behalf for what they want.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would like to get involved to improve the lack of services for keeping our streets clean, fly tipping etc. and the many changes needed to help disabled and people with mobility issues to enable them to get around easily and safely.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I have lived in Cardiff all my life and am very proud of our City, I would like to see an improvement in accessibility for all.

Any final comments?

Non submitted (Editor)

Fenella Bowden: Independent – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Fenella Bowden

Name – Fenella Bowden
Party – Independent
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk
Twitter  – @HBIndependents@FenellaBowden
FacebookFenella Bowden
How can people get in touch with you?fenella@heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk; via website; Twitter; Facebook.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I am currently the Independent Councillor for Heath Ward & have been a councillor for the past 9 years. I have been interested in politics all my life & follow in the footsteps of my maternal grandmother. I have had a life in public service prior to having to accept early retirement in 1999 because of disability. I have a passionate belief in equality & education; and am a campaigner for the disabled. I am currently the Chair of Governors at Birchgrove Primary School and have been a mentor for the Welsh Government’s Diversity in Democracy programme which aimed to encourage more under-represented groups to stand in this year’s local elections. I won a Business Wales Award for this work in 2017. On a personal level, I have lived in Cardiff North since 1980, and in Birchgrove for over 20 years. I am married to Steve, have 2 children & 2 grandchildren.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

  • Parking – arising from the lack of a Park & Ride in the north of Cardiff, & which clogs up our streets with UHW staff parking.
  • Congestion & air pollution – arising from the volume of traffic which is passing through the Ward daily.
  • The lack of school places to accommodate demand.
  • The lack of a nursery school for Birchgrove School which means that pre-school children are not accessing nursery provision before entering Reception.
  • Ensuring that Birchgrove & Heath communities are given equal treatment by Cardiff Council.
  • Business survival within the Ward.
  • The appalling state of our highways & pavements though lack of maintenance.
  • Litter & street cleansing.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My own garden. This is where I spend time being creative with plants & indulging my passion for gardens.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Improving engagement starts with the politicians themselves. Being honest in communicating with the electorate; being willing to listen to new ideas; addressing & changing the tribal behaviours of the main parties; being local, reachable, & understanding the communities that we represent. Demonstrating our values & not forgetting that people are more important than ideology. Providing mentoring for those who would like to learn more about politics & subsequently get involved.

What’s your favourite film?

Carry on Campaigning – yet to be written or produced!

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

My pledges have been published at www.heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk & on Twitter.

  1. I shall be putting people before politics.
  2. I shall continue to campaign for Park & Ride facilities in the north of Cardiff to reduce congestion & local parking problems.
  3. I shall continue to campaign for better access to the city centre & locally for the disabled & less mobile, including transport.
  4. I shall campaign for a better balance between investment in the city centre & the suburbs including Heath Park & our highways & pavements.
  5. I shall continue to support the need for more investment in schools, including a nursery for Birchgrove School. I also want to see improved education outcomes for young people.
  6. I shall continue to provide active support for the residents within Heath & Birchgrove in what ever way I can – including campaigning to keep an HWRC at Wedal Road.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I shall continue to communicate with residents through my regular newsletters; consultations; councillor surgeries; PACT; our website at www.heathandbirchgroveindependents.co.uk; Twitter; Facebook; by phone; by making appointments with residents; holding meetings when needed; & by being visible in the Ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

As an Independent I shall need to be involved in most issues, but I shall highlight: HWRCs & waste management issues; transport planning; Highways issues; LDP; Park & Ride facilities; the Metro; Bus Station; Education; Equality; Homelessness in the city.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Cardiff is still a difficult place to access & I would like to see it become the best accessible, integrated, city in the UK & Europe. I want to see Cardiff being the best place in the UK to be educated, using the models of excellence that are available & to secure major investment in our schools. I want to see much greater parity in investment across the city of Cardiff & much more investment in our open spaces – including Heath Park – and an emphasis on well-being.

Any final comments?

There is no full job description for being a councillor & I know that the electorate is my interview panel. Finding answers to problems that residents confront can have a profound impact upon the quality of an individual’s life – however simple the issue. It may be getting a bin emptied, or it could be supporting a resident through housing & social services issues. I believe that working as partners within a community can ‘make things happen’ & I am delighted to have been able to do this in my Ward – an example of which has been the transfer of the Maes y Coed Community Centre from Council control to a group of volunteers.

This is what I would like to continue doing if I am re-elected on May 4th, but the electorate of Heath will judge my performance of the past 9 years & make its decision.

Mike Ash-Edwards: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Mike Ash-Edwards

Name – Mike Ash-Edwards
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgrovelabour.org.uk
Twitter  – @HeathBirchLAB
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – By email at mikeae100@gmail.com.

About You

Tell us about yourself

Coming from Cardiff, I have lived in many other places before returning 8 years ago, and making the city my permanent home . A varied career has including being a traffic engineer, a campaigner with Oxfam in the UK and overseas and working for the Co-op taking responsibility for the business’s membership and community programmes in Wales.

I am committed to a world which is a fairer and better place for all, and one in which people work co-operatively together to resolve and tackle problems. I am a volunteer for a number of community focused organisations, and a board member of the Wales Co-operative Centre.

I enjoy most sport, as a spectator, player and until recently as a referee.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Overwhelmingly the issues that people are raising in Heath and Birchgrove focus on traffic and parking, though concerns about the Wedal Road waste site, and the future of community facilities and open spaces are also important to people.

All of these issues need to tackled, in consultation with local residents, to arrive at sustainable and workable solutions. Residents groups such as the Heath Residents Association have been worked with to arrive at ways forward for parking schemes, and we hope that formal consultation can be commenced soon. Consultation will shortly commence on a 20mph restriction around Birchgrove School, and we are putting forward proposals for 20mph zones in other areas of the ward where local people wish to pursue.

Commitments have been made on waste and recycling provision in North Cardiff and Wedal Road will not close until local alternatives are up and running.

The Labour candidates in Heath and Birchgrove are working with community organisations in the ward including the Oaks Garden Centre, Maes-y-Coed Community Centre and Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens, to ensure structures are in place that are sustainable and can be supported and allow local people to control and set their priorities.

We are committed to continue the protection and enhancement of our local green and open spaces, particularly Heath Park.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My two favourite places in Cardiff are Heath Park which is a wonderful oasis of tranquillity and at the same time provides recreational opportunities for people, and the Principality Stadium which has been a location in which I have enjoyed many great sporting days, and which gives the City a real heart.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

  1. Greater accessibility of politicians to their electorate. Social media helps but politicians also need to be more available to their electorate at times/places that suit voters.
  2. Giving the vote to 16 year olds, and at the same time increasing the time spent on educating people about our democracy in schools and elsewhere.
  3. Ensuring politicians can be more easily held to account for the promises they make.
  4. Ensuring local people are engaged in decisions about their communities in ways that are simple and easy to access, and allow local debate.

What’s your favourite film?

Spirited Away.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

  • I will focus on supporting the building of strong local community organisations, to ensure that local people have the mechanisms to control and run what’s important to them locally, and have ways of campaigning for the issues they feel to be most important.
  • I will support local businesses particularly in Birchgrove centre to help ensure a vibrant and thriving community.
  • I will work with local people to find agreed ways of addressing the issues people feel most strongly about, such as traffic and parking, and prioritise my efforts to ensure solutions gain political and financial support from the City Council so that they are implemented.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Residents will receive a regular and comprehensive newsletter delivered to all households, and will be able to see more frequent updates via Facebook and other social media. Regular advertised surgeries will be held in different locations across the wards, and frequent street surgeries will allow for issues to be raised easily and directly with me.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would like to contribute to work to address Cardiff’s transport challenges, an area in which I have some background. I am also particularly interested in helping to address the challenges facing young people in the city, once they are outside the school environment. The future of Cardiff depends on them and the need to ensure training, jobs and good, quality accommodation is vital.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Cardiff is a great City, but the world is moving on quickly. The City needs to retain a strong vision of how it wants to develop, and it needs to become even better at competing with English and other European cities. There is a continuing need to update the infrastructure, particularly in respect of transportation, and to connect the city more firmly to its surrounding communities, for the benefit of all. The City needs to continue to innovate and ensure that its many communities are involved in the new ways of doing things and feel in more control of their futures.

Any final comments?

Cardiff needs a strong and visionary leadership to address the massive challenges we face. I would urge voters to back Labour as the only party that can deliver a coherent strategy to take the City forward.

Graham Hinchey: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Graham Hinchey

Name – Graham Hinchey
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgrovelabour.org.uk
Twitter  – @Hinchey58
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – email, Facebook, Twitter, mobile phone, letter, surgery, stop me in the street.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I have lived in Cardiff all my life, and in the centre of the Heath & Birchgrove Ward for over 20 years. I am very involved in my local community, working hard with community groups to make sure that local voices are heard. I am a long standing governor of both local schools – Ton yr Ywen and Birchgrove. I Chair the Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens (FLG) and work closely with the Maes y Coed Community Centre and Oaks Community Garden to ensure these valuable community facilities are protected and go from strength to strength.

I am an experienced Councillor and am currently the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Performance. This portfolio includes responsibility for finance and I am proud that we, as a Labour Council, have been able to protect local services and the most vulnerable in our society, despite the ongoing cuts from the national UK Tory Government.

On a more personal level I am married to Anne, am a season ticket holder at Cardiff City Football Club and board trainee Guide Dogs. Our current guide dog is a lovely black Labrador/retriever cross called Ebony.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Each part of the Ward is different, with different local priorities. The most common one though is parking – the proximity of Heath Hospital causes many issues with this. Road safety and in particular traffic speed is another. The other big local priority is investment in and protection of our parks and public open spaces.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Heath Park. If you walk through the woods you could be in the middle of the country. The amount of facilities – café, tennis courts, playing fields, dog walkers, cricket wicket, ponds (which Ebony loves) – and the fact that they are all well used makes it a fantastic urban oasis in the centre of the Ward.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

In order for people to engage with politics they must feel that their voice will be heard and that their views will be taken into account. This means that at a local level elected members should attend residents meetings, coffee mornings and local events so they are accessible and go to where the people are. They should also hold regular surgeries and make their contact details public so people can come to them.

On a corporate level I believe strongly in bringing he Council to the people and I have championed the change to having Council Cabinet meetings held out in the local community instead of just in City Hall. The one held in Maes y Coed Community Centre recently is a great example of this.

What’s your favourite film?

Schindler’s List.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I will continue to work hard for the residents of Heath & Birchgrove and deliver on our election pledges:

  • Continue to promote, support and work in partnership with our local community groups.
  • Consult with residents on our community supported proposals to control parking.
  • Keep Wedal Road open until new, local and improved facilities are in place.
  • Remain accountable to local residents, holding frequent public surgeries and publishing regular newsletters.
  • Work with local communities to plan and implement schemes to improve road safety in the area, including the expansion of 20mph controlled zones.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We will continue to update residents through our Labour Herald. In addition we have a Facebook page and Twitter account which are highly effective. We all live locally and are highly visible at local events and in the local community. We also attend the Heath Residents Association meetings whenever requested to give updates.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

The City Deal is obviously a big thing for the City – especially with regards to the Metro. I am also keen that we see the establishment of a Park & Ride for Cardiff North to help alleviate some of the traffic issues experienced. The fact that Cardiff is a Living Wage City is something that I am proud of and I would want to support schemes to increase jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

We need to tackle the growing problem of traffic congestion and road safety. The Park & Ride for Cardiff North, the Metro and promotion of more sustainable transport solutions are all part of this.

Any final comments?

I am proud to have represented the residents of Heath & Birchgrove over the last 5 years and regard it as a privilege and opportunity to make a difference. If re-elected, along with my fellow Welsh Labour candidates Mike Ash-Edwards and Penny Owen, I will continue to work hard and deliver for the residents of Heath & Birchgrove.

Penny Owen: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Penny Owen

Name – Penny Owen
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgrovelabour.org.uk
Twitter  – @HeathBirchLAB
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – By email, phone 07929140157, Twitter.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I have lived in the Heath and Birchgrove Ward for over 30 years – it’s a great place to live! I used to work in the NHS and I know how valuable it is to have a public service which is free for us to use when we need it and that is available to everyone. I want a country that works for everyone – not just the few.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

As the Heath Hospital site has become busier so the overflow car parking has become more of a problem for local residents. Our local Labour Councillor, Graham Hinchey, has been listening to residents and working with Heath Residents Association to get this solved. We are working to encourage more people to take public transport, to cycle and to walk, and to build more Park and Ride schemes to reduce the amount of traffic in our roads. We will be consulting with local residents about 20mph zones in Heath and Birchgrove to reduce the speed of traffic on the roads. Wedal Rd will be staying open until improved local facilities are in place.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My favourite place in Cardiff is my allotment. Our parks, green spaces and allotments are very important for the health of all of us.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Politicians should respect voters, tell the truth and do what is in the best interests of the people.

And more websites like My Cardiff North!

What’s your favourite film?


If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

  • Listen to residents’ concerns and work with them to solve problems and develop Heath and Birchgrove in the best interests of all of us.
  • Wedal Rd will remain open until better local facilities are in place.
  • Help solve the parking problems. Reduce traffic and traffic speed.
  • Protect all our green spaces.
  • Continue to invest in our schools Support our excellent local shops and businesses.
  • Support the vulnerable and those most affected by austerity.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will communicate with residents by talking with them, writing and distributing a regular newsletter, holding surgeries and through Twitter, Facebook and our website.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would like to get involved with continuing to improve our green spaces, parks and allotments.

As a regular No 27 bus user I want to improve our public transport, make cycling easier and safer and encourage more people to walk, and make our roads safer.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I would change the public transport system so that more people could leave their cars at home.

I would change the culture of drinking all hours in the city centre so that everyone could feel safe visiting there.

Cardiff is well known as a very friendly city where everyone knows someone that you know! I would definitely work to keep that.

Any final comments?

Thanks for putting together this questionnaire Jack.

Helen Kalliope Smith: Plaid Cymru – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Helen Kalliope Smith

Name – Helen Kalliope Smith
Party – Plaid Cymru
Ward – Heath
Twitter  –
Facebook – Plaid Cymru – Ward y Mynydd Bychan – Heath Ward
How can people get in touch with you? – email (TBC)

About You

Tell us about yourself

I was born and bred in the Heath and, having taken early retirement, moved back to my childhood home. My parents met in Athens during the Second World War, when my father was in the Army, working as a cartographer with the Royal Engineers. When they initially met, they had no communication problems as, by fortunate coincidence, both had been very good at French whilst at secondary school! They got married on 30 December 1945 and set up home initially in Resolven, before moving to the Heath, Cardiff in the late 1940s. After completing my secondary education, I studied for my degree at Aberystwyth University, and subsequently found employment as a translator for Gwynedd Council, where I worked from 1979 until 1997, when I moved to work at Bangor University. My experience with local government has given me valuable knowledge of how local government works and about the various departments which make up a local authority – from Finance, Education and Amenities, through to Highways and Planning. Apart from politics, my interests include Music (vocal and piano), singing operatic arias, creative writing, and I also speak 6 languages: Welsh, English, Greek, French, Italian and Spanish. I have travelled, not only to Greece and other European countries, but also to South America – Uruguay and Argentina – a trip which included a stay at Trelew, Patagonia, where I spoke Welsh to some people who had never set foot in Wales. Some people know me as the Crazy Cat-lady of St Ina Rd, as I have 4 cats, two of whom have, in the passed, followed me around – a behaviour which I am keen to discourage. As I speak to my cats exclusively in Greek, I tell people that they are Greek-speaking cats.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

The condition of roads and, in particular, pavements, many of which need to be reflagged, as the stones have become uneven in places, and therefore dangerous. I believe that a pro-active stance needs to be taken, i.e. the anticipation and prevention of accidents, rather than taking remedial action subsequently. Moreover, the optimum speed along certain roads in the area is far below 30mph, so that, ideally, the current 20mph restriction along part of Maesycoed Road should be extended to cover the side-streets. At the very least, remionder-lights should be positioned close to the business area of St Isan Road and also along Heathway, designed to flash approaching vehicles with the speed they are doing. Welsh-medium education is another issue, with demand for places at Ysgol y Mynydd Bychan far exceeding the provision.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Chapter would rank very high, especially for its international cinema, also other theatres and venues for entertainment; the Pineapple in Llandaff North also provides regular karaoke evenings – a must for any aspiring singer!

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Communication with people – printed newsletters, also informing people of what councillors do and how important it is for people to participate in the democratic process. Children also need to learn about the history of the democratic process whilst at school, with special emphasis on the Chartists and also the Suffragette movement in the UK, with comparable studies of the development of this process in other countries. I believe that much hinges on what our young people are taught at school and, if elected, I would try to ensure that the curriculum helped to convince young students of the relevance of politics, at all levels, to their everyday lives.

What’s your favourite film?

The Sound of Music

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Draw attention to current dangers – roads and pavements, and endeavour to slow cars down – I’ve seen many examples of speeding, in particular along St Isan Rd and Heathway. Education also merits attention; if Ysgol y Mynydd Bychan is too small to cope with current and foreseen demand, then steps need to be taken to improve matters.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Primarily through printed newsletters, hopefully on a regular basis, also by attending events in the locality and saying Hello.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Education, Highways and Traffic Management, Social Care, Planning – care should be taken so as not to grant permission to build new estates which are too large, as the consequences could be very serious, not only for congestion, but also for any sudden surge in demand for public services. Any large-scale developments need to be well thought out beforehand, and not simply ushered in. I would also strive to keep local libraries open everywhere, as they are very important, especially to young people. Finances are always tight and resources always finite, therefore it is vital that funds should be prioritised so that services which people have historically taken for granted can remain and, in fact, improve.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Improvements to roads and pavements, also a proactive approach to the provision of Welsh-medium education in the city, with enough foresight to envisage demand. so that it can be satisfied in the very areas where demand is seen to be increasing.

Any final comments?

If elected, promise to do my very best to serve the interests of the electors and to listen to any concerns which they may bring to my notice.

Fenella Bowden – Day in My Life as a Councillor

Fenella Bowden profile picture

So what does a typical day in my life as a councillor look like? Busy!

By 9am on any morning I will have read all the emails that have come into my email accounts overnight; read the new relevant posts on social media; checked out Twitter for new posts & current news, commenting as I go; listened to any phone messages that have been left since the previous evening & scheduled in call-backs; checked the diary & sorted the priorities for the day.

Of one thing I can be absolutely sure: that however well I have planned my day, it will invariably change as the day progresses. The huge range of issues that affect residents within Heath & Birchgrove which will cross my path during the course of a day is astonishing, and needs me to jump from issue to issue in the space of minutes; and I shall be responding to them all day as I go. I’m prepared for anything: a school admission refusal; uncollected bins; a parking problem; a planning application; a new transport project; a request for help from a local organisation; or it may be a vulnerable individual who needs significant support while services are identified to help them. There will never be a ‘groundhog’ day; every day will be different & I thrive on that. And I’m reachable for over 14 hours a day!

Fenella Bowden litter picking

For me, being out & about in the Ward every day is essential to understanding what’s happening & allows time for meeting residents & catching up on their news or problems. A cup of coffee at a local café can be a lengthy affair – depending upon how many residents are doing the same thing & want to chat!

Being pro-active & keeping residents informed of what is happening in Heath & Birchgrove is essential to me as a councillor. Writing leaflets, street letters, posting on social media, & updating my website all take time but as an Independent, I stand on a platform of putting people before politics – and that means listening to residents’ views.

A day will rarely pass without needing to fulfil the other roles that come as part of the councillor ‘package’. Being Chair of Governors at my local school is an honour but also a big responsibility, requiring hours of work or attendance at the school every week. Preparing for Full Council; attending meetings such as PACT or Planning Committee; arranging local resident meetings; meeting & speaking with journalists ; & mentoring potential councillor candidates, are just some of my daily activities and all require preparation.

Do I ever switch off as a councillor? No, not really. In these days of being able to contact your councillor at any time of day (or night!) there is always something to work on. This is the role that I chose, and I am thankful that I don’t have the additional burden of full or part-time employment. It’s a big role, and certainly not a job for the faint-hearted!

Cllr Fenella Bowden
Heath & Birchgrove



We invited all Cardiff North Councillors to submit an article for this series during Local Democracy Week.