Tag: labour

Garry Hunt – Welsh Labour

We asked all the candidates to provide a candidate statement of up to 750 words, which should include some background about them and why they’re standing.

Garry Hunt

Garry Hunt

Welsh Labour

I have been a civil servant for almost 40 years and have lived in Llanishen for most of my adult life after attending Llanishen High School between 1969 and 1976.

I was first elected onto Cardiff City Council for the Llanishen and Thornhill ward in 1991 and was re-elected in 1995, 1999 and 2012 spending 18 of the last 28 years as a Councillor for the ward.

For all those years I was on the Council’s Planning Committee building up a sound working knowledge of the planning and development system.

I was on the Governing Body of Thornhill Primary School when it first opened and I served for ten years on Cefn Onn’s Governing Body before the school closed. I have been on Coed Glas’ Governing Body for 28 years including a period of 15 years as Chair of Governors and have been Chair of Governors of the Court Special School on Station Road for over 10 years. The budgetary pressures on schools are intense and becoming worse and experience and knowledge of the system is needed now more than ever.

I have been Chair of the Court Field Action Group for over 10 years – a group of residents who help to administer and maintain the Court Field having negotiated a new 25 year lease with the Council 2 years ago. The Group is an example of a community functioning together and is an example of how retaining open space is functional and practical as well as aspirational.

I have also been on the Committee that has organised the Llanishen and Lisvane scouts firework display for the last two years and have been involved in the group that works alongside the local Rotary Club to organise the Llanishen Village Christmas lights.

When I was a Councillor previously I helped set up a Youth Action Project in Llanishen and Thornhill working alongside the Police and those residents interested in provisions for teenagers. It was this initiative that led to the creation of the skateboard park on the Glider Field still there today and still popular. As Councils have been forced to cut back on youth services, local initiatives have become more vital in creating facilities for the young.

In the 1990s, I set up a social inclusion unit within Cardiff Council and poverty and its manifestations and underlying causes locally, regionally, nationally and internationally remains an interest for me.

My work as a front line Civil Servant dealing directly with the public has helped me to be able to deal with personal cases with discretion and sensitivity and I have also organised and engaged with numerous local campaigns over the years against unwanted proposed developments .

I am a long suffering season ticket holder at Cardiff City and continue to have an interest in sports. One of the first community activities I engaged in was as treasurer of a local Sunday league team in the 1980s – the late and much lamented Church Park Rangers. I have always sought to maximise sporting facilities in Llanishen and Thornhill and hope to have the opportunity to continue to do so.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, My Cardiff North.

Marc Palmer – Welsh Labour

We asked all the candidates to provide a candidate statement of up to 750 words, which should include some background about them and why they’re standing.

Photo of Marc Palmer

Marc Palmer

Welsh Labour



My name is Marc Palmer and I am the Welsh Labour Candidate in the forthcoming Whitchurch and Tongwynlais by election. I live at home with my wife and two boys.

I have deep roots in the area as I grew up in Whitchurch and attended Whitchurch High School and lived there for 30 years. Most of my family and friends still live in the village and it’s a place very close to my heart. For almost ten years now I have been running my own business in Tongwynlais.

I am passionate about this community and am a strong believer in giving something back. I can often be seen initiating and taking part in litter picks, planting flowers, building paths and installing benches to improve the community. I now want to make more of a difference and have more influence in shaping the community in which we live and the services from which we benefit.

I’m a Trustee and active member of AWEN (Arts, Whitchurch, Eglwys Newydd) a group formed to support and bring events to Whitchurch Library. Our events are well attended, especially by local children. I’m also a committee member of AFC Whitchurch. A club that has over 400 children, a senior and youth team and a walking football team registered.

This is a great area in which to live and bring up a family but I believe we can make it even better. I would like the opportunity to take your ideas forward and shape the future of our local community and Cardiff as a whole.

If you would like to get in touch, please contact me @marcPalmer75. I would be happy to have a chat and answer any questions you may have. You can also find more information about my community involvement over the years on my Facebook page: Marc Palmer – Whitchurch and Tongwynlais Community News.

My plans

Cleaner Air and Safer Streets

Campaign for cleaner air, active travel (walking and cycling) and a 20mph speed limit in residential areas of Whitchurch and Tongwynlais. This will enable people to feel happier if they’re able to walk along the streets with 20mph limits in place and parents will feel much happier in enabling their young people to play outside.

Community Investment

Fight for future investment into the Whitchurch Well-Being Hub/Library to be refurbished and the service expanded to services for older people to address isolation and loneliness.

Supporting Local Business

Lead on supporting local business to keep our high streets vibrant. I’m involved with the Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers to save the High Street. I am also working with independent traders across both Villages to jointly promote their businesses through my Small Business Saturday event which can be found on Facebook @Small Business Saturday – Whitchurch and Tongwynlais.

Road Maintenance

Secure vital road maintenance to roads and potholes in Whitchurch and Tongwynlais.

Affordable Housing

  • Work with Welsh Labour Cardiff Council to roll our new affordable housing across the city.
  • Plan to deliver 2000 new council homes and at least 1000 by 2022.
  • We are on site in 10 locations which will deliver 195 Council Homes 28 Assisted Home Ownership and 68 Homes for sale, of which 66 Council properties have been handed over and 68 open market sales completed.
  • Planning permission granted for a further 4 sites delivering 366 new homes 112 council, of which 44 will be care ready for older people. Out to Consultation on a further 11 sites delivering around 500 homes.

We live in a great part of the City, a City which is widely regarded as one of the best places to live in the UK. If selected, I will work tirelessly for the ward and its constituents. It will be an honour and a privilege to be elected as a Labour representative and to serve our local community and the City of Cardiff.

Marc Palmer: Labour – Whitchurch and Tongwynlais

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Marc Palmer

Name – Marc Palmer
Party – Labour
Ward – Whitchurch and Tongwynlais
Twitter  – @MarcPalmer75
Facebook – WhitchurchandTongwynlaisLabourNews
How can people get in touch with you? – wtlabour2017@gmail.com.

About You

Tell us about yourself

My name is Marc Palmer and I’m one of four Labour Candidates standing for election in Whitchurch and Tongwynlais.

I have deep roots in this ward. I grew up in Whitchurch and lived there for 30 years and went to the local High School. Most of my family and friends still live in Whitchurch and it’s a place that will always be close to my heart. I run my own business which, for the last 6 years has been located in a prominent position in Tongwynlais High Street.

I am passionate about the local community in which I live and work. I am a strong believer in giving something back. I can often be seen initiating and contributing to litter picking events, planting flowers, building paths, installing benches in the community.

I now want to make more of a difference and have more influence in shaping the community in which we live and the services from which we benefit.

I will ensure that every person in the ward, regardless of religious belief, disability or gender, is empowered to put forward their views, their wishes and their feelings, that they are not discriminated against, and that they understand and feel that they have a voice which is respected, always.

I love all sport and am a local children’s football Coach. I also sponsor several local children’s teams.

I’m a big fan of most types of music and in my younger days could be found hosting events in Cardiff, many of which would be written about in Local and National magazines.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

In addition to the EU Referendum, this is the third year in a row that we have had elections so we have had a great opportunity to speak with many residents.

Parking is an issue across the ward as is speeding traffic and potholes. Residents have told us they want the public toilets restored in Whitchurch Village, they also want the Library to remain open and publicly funded.

The new Velindre Hospital development is causing some anxiety in the area surrounding the proposed site.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

I love to watch Cardiff City and Wales play rugby, so both the Cardiff City Stadium and the Principality Stadium are firm favourites of mine. I also like to walk along the Taff Trail. But ultimately, my house, Christmas lunch with all my family around, that’s the best place.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

For people to feel engaged they need to feel part of something. All too often people feel that their views and concerns are not being taken seriously enough. It is important that politician don’t over promise on things that can’t be delivered.

What’s your favourite film?

Love a good comedy, too many to choose from.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I would look further into the parking issues that have been brought up on the door step especially around Kenfig and Celtic Road.

I would lobby the Council to bring forward plans to extend the 20mph speed limits to include all residential streets in Whitchurch and Tongwynlais as soon as possible. Look to ensure that Whitchurch remains a vibrant village and that the area remains a clean and safe place to visit.

Work with local event organisers so that the events like the fantastic Christmas Lights switch on run as smooth as possible with as little impact on local residents as possible.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Facebook and email are great ways to keep in touch with residents, but we must continue the current Labour commitment of holding regular surgeries and sending out newsletter updates.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

The City Deal could be a game changer for the region, a genuine opportunity to have substantial investment in the travel infrastructure of the Capital Region. Better public transport and connectivity will certainly help with the congested roads we see every day in our villages.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I would like to see more for children to do in the City. There are some great groups run by volunteers, some from Whitchurch Rugby Sports and Social club. Although times are hard and budgets are being cut by Westminster, I would like to see the Council support these groups as best as it can and help them develop to their full potential.

Any final comments?

We live in a great part of the City, a City which is widely regarded as one of the best places to live in the UK. If selected, I will work tirelessly for the ward and its constituents. It will be an honour and a privilege to be elected as a Labour representative and to serve our local community and the City of Cardiff.

Jackie Jones: Labour – Llanishen

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Jackie Jones

Name – Jackie Jones
Party – Labour
Ward – Llanishen
Twitter  – @JackieLlanishen
Facebook – JackieLlanishen
How can people get in touch with you? – Jackie@Llanishenward.org.uk.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I came to Cardiff in 1985 to study. I loved it so much I stayed. I’ve lived in many different places in the UK, including Pembrokeshire.

I lecture law at university and have done so for 23 years. My main areas are equalities and human rights.

I volunteer a lot of my time with women’s charities, including Wales Assembly of Women that has been in existence for over 30 years to bring international law standards to Wales and represent the views of women in Wales at international fora, including the United Nations. I am a trustee of two charities as well and a Governor of Thornhill Primary School.

I am married with one child and a cat. Recently lost my dog who’d been with us for 10 years.

This is the first time I am standing for political office. I want to try to use my skills to do the best I can for the ward and for the future of my son who is 15. I am standing as a Labour and Cooperative Party candidate because I believe in equality for all.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

The most common issues mentioned by residents are cars and roads. I think these are issues common to most major cities that require a smart solution – city-wide, not just in the ward. We do need to do something urgently about them in Llanishen.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

There are many places I love in Cardiff: I love the Bay area, especially the Norwegian Church where I spent many hours; Roath Lake for the ‘wildlife’, play area and ice cream; the blue bell woods and Cefn Onn Park for dog walks (!); The stadium for rugby.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

I think we are seeing more people getting involved in politics – each in their own way; the older generation on the doorstep and voting; younger generation on social media, in single issue campaigns etc and in the middle – marches and voting… I think it is time for 16, 17 year olds to get the vote. So many laws and policies directly concern them – not fair not to have a say.

What’s your favourite film?

Fave films: Star Wars; My Cousin Vinny.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Try to address the issues of most concern to residents, cars and roads, and issues that residents will bring to the weekly surgeries. I also think we need to address transport and continue to improve school standards in the ward (and across Cardiff).

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will use a variety of methods, including social media, newsletters, emails, as well as talking to residents at public meetings/events.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Cardiff is a great place to live – let’s make it better. How do we do that? We all need to work together as best we can to address the issues residents in Cardiff are vested in, including: transport, housing, education, jobs, the environment, equality and leaving the EU. These affect us all, let’s work cooperatively to make it happen.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I’d like to see a Metro system in and around Cardiff.

Any final comments?

I hope you’ll vote Welsh Labour and Cooperative Party for Llanishen on Thursday.

Joy Coughlan: Labour – Gabalfa

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Joy Coughlan

Name – Joy Coughlan
Party – Labour
Ward – Gabalfa
Twitter  –
Facebook – GabalfaGydaiGilydd
How can people get in touch with you? – Facebook or joyamycoughlan@gmail.com.

About You

Tell us about yourself

Originally born in Dublin Ireland, I moved to England in my late teens, then settled in Wales and have lived here happily for 10 years. Wales has been extremely welcoming to me and I’m very pleased I found it as a home. People tell me that what they love about Ireland is the friendliness, but I have found the exact same here, tied in with a wonderful cultural heritage, open-mindedness and appreciation for the national language.

My background is proudly working-class and I have had a variety of jobs in my life, which have enriched my experience in different ways. My first one was holding a sign pointing to a clothing store for hours on end when I was a teenager. I like to think this helped my patience! I found my niche in support work, as it allows you to help others help themselves. It also gives the opportunity to use the experience of any struggles you have had in your life as empathy for others hardships, therefore turning a negative to a positive. My favourite quote has always been “Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved animals and been concerned about their welfare. My poor mother was constantly besieged by random animals I brought home, like baby birds who had fallen out of nests or creatures who I was adamant needed nursing to health. Luckily she was an animal lover too and put up with me! To this day, a home doesn’t seem like a proper home to me unless I have a furry companion of some variety.

As a member of the LGBT community, a woman, and a human being, I’m passionate about injustice and equalities, having had involvement in various ways since my teens. It is important to me that I do not only promote equality that applies to me, but above all amplify the voices of other marginalised groups, such as the Black and Minority Ethnic communities.

To relax, I like to spend time with animals, read, write poetry, go to the theatre, cinema or gigs. Thankfully there are no shortage of things to get up to in Cardiff!

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

It very much depends on where you are in Gabalfa, but general themes tend to circle around fly-tipping, road repair, parking and speeding. In addition there is plenty of individual case-work for us to get stuck into!

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

The Millennium Centre in Cardiff Bay. It is a beautifully imposing building that holds so much magic inside for the pupils trouping in and out of there daily. Taking a break on the couches there frequently means getting caught up in free performances. Brilliant example of the thriving and accessible arts culture here.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Firstly I believe the voting age should be lowered. Long term decisions are being made that will affect generations and it seems only fair to me that they get a say.

Secondly I feel that a more diverse range of people need to be encouraged to be involved. Especially at higher levels, it can be thought of as something only a certain type of person with a certain background can be influential and people think it would not be possible for them to be that voice. But communities need voices from those communities, with their backgrounds, speaking for them. The bubble needs squashing.

Lastly, I believe it puts people off to see their representatives aiming low blows, squabbling like children and being frankly very rude. Politics doesn’t need to be like that, if we all just want the best for our community and society, we can promote that and debate without going back to the worst of the schoolyard. So, I would suggest that honest, respectful and fair behaviour would help to engage more people to get involved.

What’s your favourite film?

As Good as It Gets.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Being a representative, to me, means listening to those who are directly affected and basing your policies on what you hear, rather than the other way around, Therefore from the conversations I have had on the doorstep: I would campaign for a fair share of the budget for road improvements to be spent in Gabalfa. To help solve the parking issues I would communicate with residents and local businesses, seeking to ensure more residents parking where needed and considering any other possible solutions. In addition I would be active in and promote the Love Where You Live campaign, towards a cleaner and greener Gabalfa. As well as this, I would intend to be very involved in any issues residents wished assistance with on an individual casework level.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Engaging with the community I would be representing is very important to me. I would intend to hold regular surgeries, street stalls and door knock residents. In addition I would communicate through newsletters, social media, phone and email.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

The Love Where You Live campaign is one which I feel is important. I feel it brings communities together to solve issues such as littering and also puts pressure on those who affect the city in this way to think about what they are doing.

I would also be vocal on caring for our most vulnerable. Cardiff has a big heart and that can be reflected in our policies going forward.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I would wish to further improve public transport and cycle routes, as I feel that not only will this make Cardiff an even greener city, it would also help with traffic congestion.

Any final comments?

It would be an honour to represent my neighbours in Gabalfa. I would promise to listen to you and work hard, respectfully and honestly for our community.

Jeremy Corbyn Launches Labour General Election Campaign in Cardiff North

Jeremy Corbyn on Whitchurch common
© My Cardiff North

The 2017 general election campaign kicked off in Cardiff North with a Labour rally where Jeremy Corbyn addressed a crowd on Whitchurch Common.

BBC Wales Politics have an excellent article about the event.

This is the first major event I’ve been able to attend since launching My Cardiff North and I was very interested to see what they’re like. I’ll do my best to attend events from the other party leaders.

First Minister Carwyn Jones
© My Cardiff North

I arrived just after 3:00pm and the crowd was already over a hundred people. This number gradually increased to about 600 over the next hour until the Labour leader arrived at 4:15pm. There were lots of Labour supporters with banners and placards getting ready to lend their support. I spotted several local election candidates too.

First Minister Carwyn Jones introduced Mr Corbyn, who spoke for about 30 minutes. There were some technical issues while Mr Jones was speaking and the crowd couldn’t hear him very well.

This improved when Mr Corbyn began his speech but he was then interrupted by a member of the crowd shouting over him.

The gentleman eventually stopped and the speech continued to regular bouts of applause from the audience.

After the speech Mr Corbyn was swamped by supporters who wanted to have a word, take a selfie or simply shake his hand. He spoke to the press and greeted more members of the public before departing.

Welsh Conservative leader Andrew RT Davies told the BBC: “After nearly two decades in government, Labour’s record is a smorgasbord of failure evidenced by Wales having the worst-performing education system in the UK, the lowest take-home pay, and the longest hospital waiting times.”

When the candidates for Cardiff North are announced, we’ll do our best to bring you news and information about them to help you decide who gets your vote.


Alan Golding: Labour – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Alan Golding

Name – Alan Golding
Party – Labour
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – rhiwbinalabour.cymru
Twitter  –
Facebook – RhiwbinaLabour
How can people get in touch with you? – alan@rhiwbinalabour.cymru / 07818403367

About You

Tell us about yourself

I visit Rhiwbina at least five times a week supporting its local businesses, and have been doing so for the last five years, starting with my involvement in establishing the Farmer’s Market. I believe Rhiwbina has the potential to become a thriving centre for independent businesses and an attractive visitor destination. Originally from the Rhondda, Cardiff has been my home for twenty years. As a documentary producer I need to be a good communicator and listener, be organised, considerate, persistent and determined to get things done; all skills I believe that are needed for a committed and effective representative for the people of Rhiwbina. I started my career making television programmes with the intention of inspiring people to think – and hopefully change for the better – the world they live in, their quality of life and how they treat others and nature; issues of education, environment, health, culture, food production and understanding others; taking into account differences appropriately. I am passionately against injustice, unfairness, inequality, exploitation and misinformation, and despite living in a world that seems so challenging for the majority of people, I still believe that positive change is possible.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Parking, Wedal Road, Redevelopment of Nat West Bank, Potholes, Public Transport, Heritage.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Snails Deli, Beulah Road, Rhiwbina. Love the people, love the place, love the coffee.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Politicians need to be completely honest, stop being conservative with the truth, don’t take credit where it’s not due, hold their hands up when they are wrong, and don’t promise things they can’t deliver… I could go on… this would be a good start anyway!

What’s your favourite film?

12 Angry Men.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I’d love to solve the parking problem (it’s much more complicated than it appears!).

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

You can’t beat talking to people face to face.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Health, Transport, Waste.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I love Cardiff… but there are loads of ideas I’d like to explore to make it better – too many to include here! Sorry, if this sounds like I’m ducking out of answering this question but it’s a big one that deserves more than 250 words!

Any final comments?

Non submitted (Editor)

Clare Jones: Labour – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Clare Jones

Name – Clare Jones
Party – Labour
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – rhiwbinalabour.cymru
Twitter  – @ClareJonesGPR
Facebook – RhiwbinaLabour
How can people get in touch with you? – Email clare@rhiwbinalabour.cymru or call 07793 382021

About You

Tell us about yourself

Originally from Newport, I have lived in Cardiff for the last ten years and moved to Pen Y Dre in Rhiwbina around eight years ago.

I have a two-year-old daughter, and really feel I have started to enjoy the full benefits of living in Rhiwbina since starting a family (partly from being at home more) – and I particularly love the sense of local community (including the number of local community groups for children and families) and green open spaces and parks that Rhiwbina has to offer.

Following my maternity leave, I decided to start my own specialist PR and communications consultancy, Grasshopper PR (www.grasshopperpr.co.uk), which will be celebrating its second birthday this month. I have enjoyed the entrepreneurial challenge of running and growing my own business, as well as the flexibility this has given me to fit work around my family. My professional experience is focused around community engagement for planning, development and infrastructure, providing a range of skills and insights that I believe would be beneficial to the role of a Councillor.

Outside of work and being a mum, I enjoy playing netball and touch rugby with the Varsity Vandals, as I find team sport a fun and sociable way to keep fit. I also enjoy cooking, gardening and photography.

As my daughter approaches school age, I want to invest in my local community and help make sure Rhiwbina remains a great place to raise a family, and I also think it is important to make sure the views of mums, parents and families across Cardiff are properly represented, and have therefore decided to stand as a candidate in the local election.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Rhiwbina is a great place to live, with some of the best schools in the City, a diverse High Street, its very own conservation area maintaining the local heritage and character of the area, and a variety of green open spaces. And so far we have found, when speaking to people across the ward, that generally there is a limited range of issues being raised, with people generally seeming pretty happy with the performance of the current Labour run Council in terms of local services and managing the local environment etc.

However, there are of course some issues, and the key issues that we have identified (and based our pledges around) are as follows:

  • Ensuring the long-term future of Rhwibina Library
  • Traffic management and the need for 20mph zones to be rolled out in certain areas of Rhiwbina
  • Road maintenance and resurfacing improvements
  • Lack of parking availability (and need for improved management of parking) around Rhiwbina High Street and local train stations
  • Need to support local businesses (in an increasingly challenging environment) to ensure a vibrant and diverse local High Street

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

One of our favourite things to do as family at the weekend is go for a walk (or a bear hunt) in the Wenallt woods.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

There seems to be a general mistrust of politicians and a consequent apathy in relation to politics. I strongly believe a more diverse range of local representatives, that people can identify with more easily (as being like them) – would help make a start in terms of encouraging people to engage with politicians and the work they do.

What’s your favourite film?

Twin Town.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Our election pledges are as follows:

  1. Help build a vibrant community and economy by supporting local businesses and traders
  2. Preserve Rhiwbina’s green spaces and unique buildings
  3. Improve traffic management and road surfaces
  4. Address parking problems by exploring new and creative solutions
  5. Continue to support Rhiwbina Library

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We believe a range of communications approaches is key to ensuring effective engagement and dialogue, not only with the more engaged segments of society (that vote and engage in consultations etc), but also less engaged residents, for example, younger people (who are after all the future of out City).

Therefore alongside the more traditional approaches of political communication (newsletters), we would ensure a strong social media presence, as well as a commitment to building relationships with existing community networks and activities to help us engage with a range of people across the ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

As I have mentioned previously, my professional background is in planning, regeneration and economic development, so this is an area I would be particularly interested in taking a city-wide involvement in.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Traffic and congestion around the City at peak times is clearly currently problematic – and I would like to see Cardiff lead the way in delivering initiatives to get people off the roads. In my view this needs to be a combination of improved public transport, encouraging active travel (steps having already been taken to explore this through initiatives such as the recent consultation on the Cardiff Cycling Strategy) and facilities to encourage and facilitate flexible and remote working (within both the public and private sectors).

Any final comments?

I would just encourage everyone to use their vote and have a say on May 4th.

Mike Ash-Edwards: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Mike Ash-Edwards

Name – Mike Ash-Edwards
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgrovelabour.org.uk
Twitter  – @HeathBirchLAB
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – By email at mikeae100@gmail.com.

About You

Tell us about yourself

Coming from Cardiff, I have lived in many other places before returning 8 years ago, and making the city my permanent home . A varied career has including being a traffic engineer, a campaigner with Oxfam in the UK and overseas and working for the Co-op taking responsibility for the business’s membership and community programmes in Wales.

I am committed to a world which is a fairer and better place for all, and one in which people work co-operatively together to resolve and tackle problems. I am a volunteer for a number of community focused organisations, and a board member of the Wales Co-operative Centre.

I enjoy most sport, as a spectator, player and until recently as a referee.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Overwhelmingly the issues that people are raising in Heath and Birchgrove focus on traffic and parking, though concerns about the Wedal Road waste site, and the future of community facilities and open spaces are also important to people.

All of these issues need to tackled, in consultation with local residents, to arrive at sustainable and workable solutions. Residents groups such as the Heath Residents Association have been worked with to arrive at ways forward for parking schemes, and we hope that formal consultation can be commenced soon. Consultation will shortly commence on a 20mph restriction around Birchgrove School, and we are putting forward proposals for 20mph zones in other areas of the ward where local people wish to pursue.

Commitments have been made on waste and recycling provision in North Cardiff and Wedal Road will not close until local alternatives are up and running.

The Labour candidates in Heath and Birchgrove are working with community organisations in the ward including the Oaks Garden Centre, Maes-y-Coed Community Centre and Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens, to ensure structures are in place that are sustainable and can be supported and allow local people to control and set their priorities.

We are committed to continue the protection and enhancement of our local green and open spaces, particularly Heath Park.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My two favourite places in Cardiff are Heath Park which is a wonderful oasis of tranquillity and at the same time provides recreational opportunities for people, and the Principality Stadium which has been a location in which I have enjoyed many great sporting days, and which gives the City a real heart.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

  1. Greater accessibility of politicians to their electorate. Social media helps but politicians also need to be more available to their electorate at times/places that suit voters.
  2. Giving the vote to 16 year olds, and at the same time increasing the time spent on educating people about our democracy in schools and elsewhere.
  3. Ensuring politicians can be more easily held to account for the promises they make.
  4. Ensuring local people are engaged in decisions about their communities in ways that are simple and easy to access, and allow local debate.

What’s your favourite film?

Spirited Away.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

  • I will focus on supporting the building of strong local community organisations, to ensure that local people have the mechanisms to control and run what’s important to them locally, and have ways of campaigning for the issues they feel to be most important.
  • I will support local businesses particularly in Birchgrove centre to help ensure a vibrant and thriving community.
  • I will work with local people to find agreed ways of addressing the issues people feel most strongly about, such as traffic and parking, and prioritise my efforts to ensure solutions gain political and financial support from the City Council so that they are implemented.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Residents will receive a regular and comprehensive newsletter delivered to all households, and will be able to see more frequent updates via Facebook and other social media. Regular advertised surgeries will be held in different locations across the wards, and frequent street surgeries will allow for issues to be raised easily and directly with me.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would like to contribute to work to address Cardiff’s transport challenges, an area in which I have some background. I am also particularly interested in helping to address the challenges facing young people in the city, once they are outside the school environment. The future of Cardiff depends on them and the need to ensure training, jobs and good, quality accommodation is vital.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Cardiff is a great City, but the world is moving on quickly. The City needs to retain a strong vision of how it wants to develop, and it needs to become even better at competing with English and other European cities. There is a continuing need to update the infrastructure, particularly in respect of transportation, and to connect the city more firmly to its surrounding communities, for the benefit of all. The City needs to continue to innovate and ensure that its many communities are involved in the new ways of doing things and feel in more control of their futures.

Any final comments?

Cardiff needs a strong and visionary leadership to address the massive challenges we face. I would urge voters to back Labour as the only party that can deliver a coherent strategy to take the City forward.

Graham Hinchey: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Graham Hinchey

Name – Graham Hinchey
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website – heathandbirchgrovelabour.org.uk
Twitter  – @Hinchey58
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – email, Facebook, Twitter, mobile phone, letter, surgery, stop me in the street.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I have lived in Cardiff all my life, and in the centre of the Heath & Birchgrove Ward for over 20 years. I am very involved in my local community, working hard with community groups to make sure that local voices are heard. I am a long standing governor of both local schools – Ton yr Ywen and Birchgrove. I Chair the Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens (FLG) and work closely with the Maes y Coed Community Centre and Oaks Community Garden to ensure these valuable community facilities are protected and go from strength to strength.

I am an experienced Councillor and am currently the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Performance. This portfolio includes responsibility for finance and I am proud that we, as a Labour Council, have been able to protect local services and the most vulnerable in our society, despite the ongoing cuts from the national UK Tory Government.

On a more personal level I am married to Anne, am a season ticket holder at Cardiff City Football Club and board trainee Guide Dogs. Our current guide dog is a lovely black Labrador/retriever cross called Ebony.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Each part of the Ward is different, with different local priorities. The most common one though is parking – the proximity of Heath Hospital causes many issues with this. Road safety and in particular traffic speed is another. The other big local priority is investment in and protection of our parks and public open spaces.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Heath Park. If you walk through the woods you could be in the middle of the country. The amount of facilities – café, tennis courts, playing fields, dog walkers, cricket wicket, ponds (which Ebony loves) – and the fact that they are all well used makes it a fantastic urban oasis in the centre of the Ward.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

In order for people to engage with politics they must feel that their voice will be heard and that their views will be taken into account. This means that at a local level elected members should attend residents meetings, coffee mornings and local events so they are accessible and go to where the people are. They should also hold regular surgeries and make their contact details public so people can come to them.

On a corporate level I believe strongly in bringing he Council to the people and I have championed the change to having Council Cabinet meetings held out in the local community instead of just in City Hall. The one held in Maes y Coed Community Centre recently is a great example of this.

What’s your favourite film?

Schindler’s List.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I will continue to work hard for the residents of Heath & Birchgrove and deliver on our election pledges:

  • Continue to promote, support and work in partnership with our local community groups.
  • Consult with residents on our community supported proposals to control parking.
  • Keep Wedal Road open until new, local and improved facilities are in place.
  • Remain accountable to local residents, holding frequent public surgeries and publishing regular newsletters.
  • Work with local communities to plan and implement schemes to improve road safety in the area, including the expansion of 20mph controlled zones.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We will continue to update residents through our Labour Herald. In addition we have a Facebook page and Twitter account which are highly effective. We all live locally and are highly visible at local events and in the local community. We also attend the Heath Residents Association meetings whenever requested to give updates.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

The City Deal is obviously a big thing for the City – especially with regards to the Metro. I am also keen that we see the establishment of a Park & Ride for Cardiff North to help alleviate some of the traffic issues experienced. The fact that Cardiff is a Living Wage City is something that I am proud of and I would want to support schemes to increase jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

We need to tackle the growing problem of traffic congestion and road safety. The Park & Ride for Cardiff North, the Metro and promotion of more sustainable transport solutions are all part of this.

Any final comments?

I am proud to have represented the residents of Heath & Birchgrove over the last 5 years and regard it as a privilege and opportunity to make a difference. If re-elected, along with my fellow Welsh Labour candidates Mike Ash-Edwards and Penny Owen, I will continue to work hard and deliver for the residents of Heath & Birchgrove.