Tag: parliament

Anna McMorrin’s First 3 Weeks in the Job

Houses of Parliament

After winning a 4,174 majority in the recent general election, Anna McMorrin has had a busy few weeks.

First Day in Work

Ruth Mosalski spoke to Anna and asked her about the campaign, election night and the first few days in the job.

Anna described her experience at Westminster, “You get to know everybody and meet people in the same position. It’s amazing and humbling to walk into the Palace of Westminster. Coming out of the tube and seeing Big Ben and going into work there is such a privilege.”

Tesco Job Cuts

BBC News reported on 21st June that Tesco are cutting up to 1,100 jobs in their Cardiff North call centre.

Anna sponsored an Early Day Motion on 21st June, which “urges the Government to seek ways to intervene to help prevent such a decision and support the local economy and local community at this time” and has received 16 signatures.

She raised the issue in the Commons on 22nd June and asked, “Will the Leader of the House provide an urgent debate or statement on the issue so that we can hear what help the Government can provide and, at the very least, will the Department for Work and Pensions be dispatching a full emergency taskforce to support my constituents at this difficult time?” Andrea Leadsom, Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons, asked Anna to write to her and promised to, “seek a response from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.”

Anna and Julie Morgan AM met with Alec Brown, head of UK stakeholder relations, and Rhodri Evans, communications manager for Wales and the West of England on 22nd June. According to a statement published on Julie Morgan’s website, they used the meeting to “press them on their reasons for the job losses and why jobs in Dundee have been prioritised over jobs in Wales.”

They add, “We strongly oppose this decision and asked them to think again and take this back to their chief executive.

“We asked what the rationale was for the job losses in Cardiff and we were told there was more space in Dundee and the company wants to have one site where customer relations staff are based. They said they would come back to us with other reasons as we could not see why Dundee is a more attractive place to base these jobs.

“We feel they are not acting responsibly as a long-standing employer in Wales when the company has employed staff in Cardiff at Maes-y-Coed Road in Cardiff North for 27 years.

“We were shocked that Tesco didn’t even contact Welsh Government to discuss any help it could offer to keep the jobs in Wales before making this decision.

“We are dismayed at the huge number of good jobs that will be lost and it will have a massive impact on staff and their families.”

Julie and Anna arranged to visit Tesco House on 23rd June to meet staff.

Anna used her maiden speech on 26th June to raise the issue again and report on the meeting with staff. She said, “I have had the opportunity to spend time with and speak to many of the workers who have been told they have lost their jobs. They are devastated; many have two or three members of the same family working there.”

Anna’s maiden speech included a tribute to the late Rhodri Morgan, some background on the constituency and Brexit. She ended by saying, “I intend to use my time to stand up against failed austerity measures and for a more prosperous, fairer and more equal society. I look forward to working with my colleagues here.”

“I intend to use my time to stand up against failed austerity measures and for a more prosperous, fairer and more equal society. I look forward to working with my colleagues here.” – Anna McMorrin MP


I emailed Anna this morning to ask her some questions about how constituents should contact her and how she communicates with us.

There are many ways to get in touch with your MP but some are more effective than others. It’s important to include your address so they know you’re a constituent.

I’ve asked Anna to clarify how she would like to receive questions and if she is going to make a statement on the Velindre Cancer Centre consultations. I’ve also asked if a website is in the works.

Image credit – Eric Hossinger

How Does the UK Parliament Work?

Parliament Explained

Parliament Explained is an audio series that explains how the UK Parliament works.

You can listen to all the episodes below or subscribe to them in your podcast player:

Episode 1 – Parliament or Government?

Discover the difference between Parliament and the Government, how the Government is formed, and the roles of the Shadow Cabinet, backbenchers, crossbenchers and the Whips.

Episode 2 – What happens in Parliament?

Meet the doorkeepers of the House of Lords and the House of Commons to find out what a typical day in Parliament involves.

Episode 3 – Scrutiny: Questions and Debates

Hear how Parliament uses questions and debates to check and challenge the work of the Government.

Episode 4 – Scrutiny: Select Committees

Discover another vital tool of Parliamentary scrutiny – ‘select committees’ of MPs and Lords who check and challenge the work and spending of the Government.

Episode 5 – Making and Changing Laws

Learn how draft laws are debated and improved as they make their way through the House of Commons and the House of Lords before they can become the law of the land.

Episode 6 – Get Involved

Hear how you can get involved in your UK Parliament. From contacting your MP or a member of the Lords to sharing your views with a select committee, and of course by voting, you can have your say in how the country is run.


We’re covering the General Election over the next few weeks. Find out who the candidates are and subscribe for all the latest news.