Julie Morgan Launches Campaign for Deputy Leader

Julie Morgan

Cardiff North constituency Assembly Member Julie Morgan has launched her campaign for Welsh Labour Deputy Leader.

Nominations opened today and Julie says on her campaign website:

“I think it is fantastic that we will have a female deputy leader and that three women have thrown their hats into the ring. I am the only woman who has had experience as a councillor, AM and MP so I think I’m uniquely placed to use that experience to bring people together in Wales. I was a councillor for 12 years, an MP for 13 years and have been an Assembly Member since 2011.

“I would see my role as working to bring together all sections of the Labour movement including trade unions and affiliates and I feel strongly that all voices should be heard and that being a member of our great party should really have meaning for all the thousands of members out there.

“I’m immensely proud that Welsh Labour will have a gender balanced leadership as equality is something I’ve campaigned for all my working life.”



Julie told Wales Politics, “I think I am in a good position to bring all parts of the party together and to work closely with the members.”

Mark Drakeford AM nominated Julie and she has the backing of 13 AMs and MPs.

You can follow Julie’s campaign on Twitter and Facebook.

The winner will be announced at the Welsh Labour conference in April.