Alan Golding: Labour – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Alan Golding

Name – Alan Golding
Party – Labour
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website –
Twitter  –
Facebook – RhiwbinaLabour
How can people get in touch with you? – / 07818403367

About You

Tell us about yourself

I visit Rhiwbina at least five times a week supporting its local businesses, and have been doing so for the last five years, starting with my involvement in establishing the Farmer’s Market. I believe Rhiwbina has the potential to become a thriving centre for independent businesses and an attractive visitor destination. Originally from the Rhondda, Cardiff has been my home for twenty years. As a documentary producer I need to be a good communicator and listener, be organised, considerate, persistent and determined to get things done; all skills I believe that are needed for a committed and effective representative for the people of Rhiwbina. I started my career making television programmes with the intention of inspiring people to think – and hopefully change for the better – the world they live in, their quality of life and how they treat others and nature; issues of education, environment, health, culture, food production and understanding others; taking into account differences appropriately. I am passionately against injustice, unfairness, inequality, exploitation and misinformation, and despite living in a world that seems so challenging for the majority of people, I still believe that positive change is possible.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Parking, Wedal Road, Redevelopment of Nat West Bank, Potholes, Public Transport, Heritage.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Snails Deli, Beulah Road, Rhiwbina. Love the people, love the place, love the coffee.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Politicians need to be completely honest, stop being conservative with the truth, don’t take credit where it’s not due, hold their hands up when they are wrong, and don’t promise things they can’t deliver… I could go on… this would be a good start anyway!

What’s your favourite film?

12 Angry Men.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I’d love to solve the parking problem (it’s much more complicated than it appears!).

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

You can’t beat talking to people face to face.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Health, Transport, Waste.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I love Cardiff… but there are loads of ideas I’d like to explore to make it better – too many to include here! Sorry, if this sounds like I’m ducking out of answering this question but it’s a big one that deserves more than 250 words!

Any final comments?

Non submitted (Editor)

Clare Jones: Labour – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Clare Jones

Name – Clare Jones
Party – Labour
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website –
Twitter  – @ClareJonesGPR
Facebook – RhiwbinaLabour
How can people get in touch with you? – Email or call 07793 382021

About You

Tell us about yourself

Originally from Newport, I have lived in Cardiff for the last ten years and moved to Pen Y Dre in Rhiwbina around eight years ago.

I have a two-year-old daughter, and really feel I have started to enjoy the full benefits of living in Rhiwbina since starting a family (partly from being at home more) – and I particularly love the sense of local community (including the number of local community groups for children and families) and green open spaces and parks that Rhiwbina has to offer.

Following my maternity leave, I decided to start my own specialist PR and communications consultancy, Grasshopper PR (, which will be celebrating its second birthday this month. I have enjoyed the entrepreneurial challenge of running and growing my own business, as well as the flexibility this has given me to fit work around my family. My professional experience is focused around community engagement for planning, development and infrastructure, providing a range of skills and insights that I believe would be beneficial to the role of a Councillor.

Outside of work and being a mum, I enjoy playing netball and touch rugby with the Varsity Vandals, as I find team sport a fun and sociable way to keep fit. I also enjoy cooking, gardening and photography.

As my daughter approaches school age, I want to invest in my local community and help make sure Rhiwbina remains a great place to raise a family, and I also think it is important to make sure the views of mums, parents and families across Cardiff are properly represented, and have therefore decided to stand as a candidate in the local election.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Rhiwbina is a great place to live, with some of the best schools in the City, a diverse High Street, its very own conservation area maintaining the local heritage and character of the area, and a variety of green open spaces. And so far we have found, when speaking to people across the ward, that generally there is a limited range of issues being raised, with people generally seeming pretty happy with the performance of the current Labour run Council in terms of local services and managing the local environment etc.

However, there are of course some issues, and the key issues that we have identified (and based our pledges around) are as follows:

  • Ensuring the long-term future of Rhwibina Library
  • Traffic management and the need for 20mph zones to be rolled out in certain areas of Rhiwbina
  • Road maintenance and resurfacing improvements
  • Lack of parking availability (and need for improved management of parking) around Rhiwbina High Street and local train stations
  • Need to support local businesses (in an increasingly challenging environment) to ensure a vibrant and diverse local High Street

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

One of our favourite things to do as family at the weekend is go for a walk (or a bear hunt) in the Wenallt woods.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

There seems to be a general mistrust of politicians and a consequent apathy in relation to politics. I strongly believe a more diverse range of local representatives, that people can identify with more easily (as being like them) – would help make a start in terms of encouraging people to engage with politicians and the work they do.

What’s your favourite film?

Twin Town.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Our election pledges are as follows:

  1. Help build a vibrant community and economy by supporting local businesses and traders
  2. Preserve Rhiwbina’s green spaces and unique buildings
  3. Improve traffic management and road surfaces
  4. Address parking problems by exploring new and creative solutions
  5. Continue to support Rhiwbina Library

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We believe a range of communications approaches is key to ensuring effective engagement and dialogue, not only with the more engaged segments of society (that vote and engage in consultations etc), but also less engaged residents, for example, younger people (who are after all the future of out City).

Therefore alongside the more traditional approaches of political communication (newsletters), we would ensure a strong social media presence, as well as a commitment to building relationships with existing community networks and activities to help us engage with a range of people across the ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

As I have mentioned previously, my professional background is in planning, regeneration and economic development, so this is an area I would be particularly interested in taking a city-wide involvement in.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Traffic and congestion around the City at peak times is clearly currently problematic – and I would like to see Cardiff lead the way in delivering initiatives to get people off the roads. In my view this needs to be a combination of improved public transport, encouraging active travel (steps having already been taken to explore this through initiatives such as the recent consultation on the Cardiff Cycling Strategy) and facilities to encourage and facilitate flexible and remote working (within both the public and private sectors).

Any final comments?

I would just encourage everyone to use their vote and have a say on May 4th.

Jonathan Land: Liberal Democrats – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Name – Jonathan Land
Party – Liberal Democrats
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website –
Twitter  – @ElseJon
How can people get in touch with you? – By email.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I’m running as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Rhiwbina. I have lived in Rhiwbina nearly all my life and have loved living here. I went to Exeter University for two years, and saw how much of a difference there was between the two cities. While I love politics, I do like to keep up with business developments within the Technology and Energy industries. I also have a bit of a sweet tooth, which has caused me to spend a bit more on food shopping than what most people spend.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

I believe the biggest issue here is Transport. As more and more people are using cars, we need to start investing more in public transport to make it more accessible. I will be pushing to get the transport hub funded in the centre. I will also push with other city councillors to push for the South Wales Metro that has been proposed.

Another big issue I believe is Education. While the primary schools in Rhiwbina are some of the best in the City, I think there’s some real concerns about the Secondary schools in the area. And whether they are doing enough to ensure the equip kids with the knowledge to succeed in the future.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

St Davids Shopping Centre. I always go there to get all my shopping done, and they always have something going on there.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Like a lot of candidates, I think communication is key to get people engaged in Politics. People don’t see our policy makers and to challenge and comment on they beliefs and their actions.

What’s your favourite film?

The Big Short.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

If elected I will be pushing to get the transport hub funded in the centre. I will also push with other city councillors to push for the South Wales Metro that has been proposed.

I will also work to pilot smaller class sizes, so that children have the attention needed to help make them succeed. I will work with councillors in other wards to keep account and push for better improvement for Secondary schools in catchment areas.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will try to have video chat sessions with constituents, this is so we can communicate what’s best for Rhiwbina. The Lib Dems is also known across the country for it’s Focus Newsletters, this is key to let people know what I, as well as other Lib Dems are doing in the council.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would love to get involved with the proposed Cardiff Tidal Lagoon. I think that it could be a great opportunity to create a more sustainable City.

Also Wedal Road Recycling Centre is also a big issue for many. While the council has left it open for now, I would like to keep it permanently open, as closing it could lead to more fly-tipping.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

The council, it needs a united government to be effective and not be at war with each other all the time. I’m worried that if Labour is in charge there will be constant internal power struggles, stalling any change or projects to help make Cardiff a better place.

Any final comments?

Please vote, as it really makes a difference. And if you don’t like any of the candidates, mark your ballot with anything. Your apathy towards the political parties will be heard, and not forgotten.

Fenella Bowden: Independent – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Fenella Bowden

Name – Fenella Bowden
Party – Independent
Ward – Heath
Website –
Twitter  – @HBIndependents@FenellaBowden
FacebookFenella Bowden
How can people get in touch with you?; via website; Twitter; Facebook.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I am currently the Independent Councillor for Heath Ward & have been a councillor for the past 9 years. I have been interested in politics all my life & follow in the footsteps of my maternal grandmother. I have had a life in public service prior to having to accept early retirement in 1999 because of disability. I have a passionate belief in equality & education; and am a campaigner for the disabled. I am currently the Chair of Governors at Birchgrove Primary School and have been a mentor for the Welsh Government’s Diversity in Democracy programme which aimed to encourage more under-represented groups to stand in this year’s local elections. I won a Business Wales Award for this work in 2017. On a personal level, I have lived in Cardiff North since 1980, and in Birchgrove for over 20 years. I am married to Steve, have 2 children & 2 grandchildren.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

  • Parking – arising from the lack of a Park & Ride in the north of Cardiff, & which clogs up our streets with UHW staff parking.
  • Congestion & air pollution – arising from the volume of traffic which is passing through the Ward daily.
  • The lack of school places to accommodate demand.
  • The lack of a nursery school for Birchgrove School which means that pre-school children are not accessing nursery provision before entering Reception.
  • Ensuring that Birchgrove & Heath communities are given equal treatment by Cardiff Council.
  • Business survival within the Ward.
  • The appalling state of our highways & pavements though lack of maintenance.
  • Litter & street cleansing.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My own garden. This is where I spend time being creative with plants & indulging my passion for gardens.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Improving engagement starts with the politicians themselves. Being honest in communicating with the electorate; being willing to listen to new ideas; addressing & changing the tribal behaviours of the main parties; being local, reachable, & understanding the communities that we represent. Demonstrating our values & not forgetting that people are more important than ideology. Providing mentoring for those who would like to learn more about politics & subsequently get involved.

What’s your favourite film?

Carry on Campaigning – yet to be written or produced!

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

My pledges have been published at & on Twitter.

  1. I shall be putting people before politics.
  2. I shall continue to campaign for Park & Ride facilities in the north of Cardiff to reduce congestion & local parking problems.
  3. I shall continue to campaign for better access to the city centre & locally for the disabled & less mobile, including transport.
  4. I shall campaign for a better balance between investment in the city centre & the suburbs including Heath Park & our highways & pavements.
  5. I shall continue to support the need for more investment in schools, including a nursery for Birchgrove School. I also want to see improved education outcomes for young people.
  6. I shall continue to provide active support for the residents within Heath & Birchgrove in what ever way I can – including campaigning to keep an HWRC at Wedal Road.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I shall continue to communicate with residents through my regular newsletters; consultations; councillor surgeries; PACT; our website at; Twitter; Facebook; by phone; by making appointments with residents; holding meetings when needed; & by being visible in the Ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

As an Independent I shall need to be involved in most issues, but I shall highlight: HWRCs & waste management issues; transport planning; Highways issues; LDP; Park & Ride facilities; the Metro; Bus Station; Education; Equality; Homelessness in the city.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Cardiff is still a difficult place to access & I would like to see it become the best accessible, integrated, city in the UK & Europe. I want to see Cardiff being the best place in the UK to be educated, using the models of excellence that are available & to secure major investment in our schools. I want to see much greater parity in investment across the city of Cardiff & much more investment in our open spaces – including Heath Park – and an emphasis on well-being.

Any final comments?

There is no full job description for being a councillor & I know that the electorate is my interview panel. Finding answers to problems that residents confront can have a profound impact upon the quality of an individual’s life – however simple the issue. It may be getting a bin emptied, or it could be supporting a resident through housing & social services issues. I believe that working as partners within a community can ‘make things happen’ & I am delighted to have been able to do this in my Ward – an example of which has been the transfer of the Maes y Coed Community Centre from Council control to a group of volunteers.

This is what I would like to continue doing if I am re-elected on May 4th, but the electorate of Heath will judge my performance of the past 9 years & make its decision.

Mike Ash-Edwards: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Mike Ash-Edwards

Name – Mike Ash-Edwards
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website –
Twitter  – @HeathBirchLAB
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – By email at

About You

Tell us about yourself

Coming from Cardiff, I have lived in many other places before returning 8 years ago, and making the city my permanent home . A varied career has including being a traffic engineer, a campaigner with Oxfam in the UK and overseas and working for the Co-op taking responsibility for the business’s membership and community programmes in Wales.

I am committed to a world which is a fairer and better place for all, and one in which people work co-operatively together to resolve and tackle problems. I am a volunteer for a number of community focused organisations, and a board member of the Wales Co-operative Centre.

I enjoy most sport, as a spectator, player and until recently as a referee.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Overwhelmingly the issues that people are raising in Heath and Birchgrove focus on traffic and parking, though concerns about the Wedal Road waste site, and the future of community facilities and open spaces are also important to people.

All of these issues need to tackled, in consultation with local residents, to arrive at sustainable and workable solutions. Residents groups such as the Heath Residents Association have been worked with to arrive at ways forward for parking schemes, and we hope that formal consultation can be commenced soon. Consultation will shortly commence on a 20mph restriction around Birchgrove School, and we are putting forward proposals for 20mph zones in other areas of the ward where local people wish to pursue.

Commitments have been made on waste and recycling provision in North Cardiff and Wedal Road will not close until local alternatives are up and running.

The Labour candidates in Heath and Birchgrove are working with community organisations in the ward including the Oaks Garden Centre, Maes-y-Coed Community Centre and Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens, to ensure structures are in place that are sustainable and can be supported and allow local people to control and set their priorities.

We are committed to continue the protection and enhancement of our local green and open spaces, particularly Heath Park.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

My two favourite places in Cardiff are Heath Park which is a wonderful oasis of tranquillity and at the same time provides recreational opportunities for people, and the Principality Stadium which has been a location in which I have enjoyed many great sporting days, and which gives the City a real heart.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

  1. Greater accessibility of politicians to their electorate. Social media helps but politicians also need to be more available to their electorate at times/places that suit voters.
  2. Giving the vote to 16 year olds, and at the same time increasing the time spent on educating people about our democracy in schools and elsewhere.
  3. Ensuring politicians can be more easily held to account for the promises they make.
  4. Ensuring local people are engaged in decisions about their communities in ways that are simple and easy to access, and allow local debate.

What’s your favourite film?

Spirited Away.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

  • I will focus on supporting the building of strong local community organisations, to ensure that local people have the mechanisms to control and run what’s important to them locally, and have ways of campaigning for the issues they feel to be most important.
  • I will support local businesses particularly in Birchgrove centre to help ensure a vibrant and thriving community.
  • I will work with local people to find agreed ways of addressing the issues people feel most strongly about, such as traffic and parking, and prioritise my efforts to ensure solutions gain political and financial support from the City Council so that they are implemented.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Residents will receive a regular and comprehensive newsletter delivered to all households, and will be able to see more frequent updates via Facebook and other social media. Regular advertised surgeries will be held in different locations across the wards, and frequent street surgeries will allow for issues to be raised easily and directly with me.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would like to contribute to work to address Cardiff’s transport challenges, an area in which I have some background. I am also particularly interested in helping to address the challenges facing young people in the city, once they are outside the school environment. The future of Cardiff depends on them and the need to ensure training, jobs and good, quality accommodation is vital.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Cardiff is a great City, but the world is moving on quickly. The City needs to retain a strong vision of how it wants to develop, and it needs to become even better at competing with English and other European cities. There is a continuing need to update the infrastructure, particularly in respect of transportation, and to connect the city more firmly to its surrounding communities, for the benefit of all. The City needs to continue to innovate and ensure that its many communities are involved in the new ways of doing things and feel in more control of their futures.

Any final comments?

Cardiff needs a strong and visionary leadership to address the massive challenges we face. I would urge voters to back Labour as the only party that can deliver a coherent strategy to take the City forward.

Graham Hinchey: Labour – Heath

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Graham Hinchey

Name – Graham Hinchey
Party – Labour
Ward – Heath
Website –
Twitter  – @Hinchey58
Facebook – heathbirchgrovelabour
How can people get in touch with you? – email, Facebook, Twitter, mobile phone, letter, surgery, stop me in the street.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I have lived in Cardiff all my life, and in the centre of the Heath & Birchgrove Ward for over 20 years. I am very involved in my local community, working hard with community groups to make sure that local voices are heard. I am a long standing governor of both local schools – Ton yr Ywen and Birchgrove. I Chair the Friends of Llwynfedw Gardens (FLG) and work closely with the Maes y Coed Community Centre and Oaks Community Garden to ensure these valuable community facilities are protected and go from strength to strength.

I am an experienced Councillor and am currently the Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Performance. This portfolio includes responsibility for finance and I am proud that we, as a Labour Council, have been able to protect local services and the most vulnerable in our society, despite the ongoing cuts from the national UK Tory Government.

On a more personal level I am married to Anne, am a season ticket holder at Cardiff City Football Club and board trainee Guide Dogs. Our current guide dog is a lovely black Labrador/retriever cross called Ebony.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Each part of the Ward is different, with different local priorities. The most common one though is parking – the proximity of Heath Hospital causes many issues with this. Road safety and in particular traffic speed is another. The other big local priority is investment in and protection of our parks and public open spaces.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Heath Park. If you walk through the woods you could be in the middle of the country. The amount of facilities – café, tennis courts, playing fields, dog walkers, cricket wicket, ponds (which Ebony loves) – and the fact that they are all well used makes it a fantastic urban oasis in the centre of the Ward.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

In order for people to engage with politics they must feel that their voice will be heard and that their views will be taken into account. This means that at a local level elected members should attend residents meetings, coffee mornings and local events so they are accessible and go to where the people are. They should also hold regular surgeries and make their contact details public so people can come to them.

On a corporate level I believe strongly in bringing he Council to the people and I have championed the change to having Council Cabinet meetings held out in the local community instead of just in City Hall. The one held in Maes y Coed Community Centre recently is a great example of this.

What’s your favourite film?

Schindler’s List.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I will continue to work hard for the residents of Heath & Birchgrove and deliver on our election pledges:

  • Continue to promote, support and work in partnership with our local community groups.
  • Consult with residents on our community supported proposals to control parking.
  • Keep Wedal Road open until new, local and improved facilities are in place.
  • Remain accountable to local residents, holding frequent public surgeries and publishing regular newsletters.
  • Work with local communities to plan and implement schemes to improve road safety in the area, including the expansion of 20mph controlled zones.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We will continue to update residents through our Labour Herald. In addition we have a Facebook page and Twitter account which are highly effective. We all live locally and are highly visible at local events and in the local community. We also attend the Heath Residents Association meetings whenever requested to give updates.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

The City Deal is obviously a big thing for the City – especially with regards to the Metro. I am also keen that we see the establishment of a Park & Ride for Cardiff North to help alleviate some of the traffic issues experienced. The fact that Cardiff is a Living Wage City is something that I am proud of and I would want to support schemes to increase jobs, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

We need to tackle the growing problem of traffic congestion and road safety. The Park & Ride for Cardiff North, the Metro and promotion of more sustainable transport solutions are all part of this.

Any final comments?

I am proud to have represented the residents of Heath & Birchgrove over the last 5 years and regard it as a privilege and opportunity to make a difference. If re-elected, along with my fellow Welsh Labour candidates Mike Ash-Edwards and Penny Owen, I will continue to work hard and deliver for the residents of Heath & Birchgrove.

Dianne Rees: Conservatives – Pontprennau and Old St Mellons

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Dianne Rees

Name – Dianne Rees
Party – Conservatives
Ward – Pontprennau and Old St Mellons
Twitter  –
FacebookDianne Rees
How can people get in touch with you? –, Telephone, Social Media and if re-elected Council contact details.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I was born and brought up in Cardiff, and have lived in the ward for 23 years. I am married with four adult children and have spent much of my life in public service. I trained as a secondary school teacher and spent time volunteering for local charities and organisations such as citizens advice bureau and have served as a Justice of the Peace for nearly 30 years.

Since 1995 I’ve been a member of Old St Mellons Community Council and served as Chairman for 6 years. First elected as a County Councillor in 2004, re-elected in 2008 and 2012, it has been an honour to serve this Community, the area in which I live and love, for the past 13 years. Being a County Councillor has given me the opportunity to engage with local organisations. Currently I’m Vice-Chair of Governors at the Village School in Old St Mellons and a founding governor of the new Pontprennau Primary School.

Family life is very important to me and I want the people of our area to enjoy quality time with their families. Maintaining and improving good quality living in Cardiff and in Pontprennau and Old St Mellons is important to me.

I am keen to preserve and improve our environment and ensure that children in Cardiff have the best opportunity to reach their full potential in education and subsequent employment.

Listening to the views of residents, I opposed mass development of green fields throughout the ward. I love this City and want to see the best of it preserved for future generations.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Parking and traffic congestion is the biggest issue in our Community. On the door step residents often report roads in need of urgent repair and highlight litter and graffiti hotspots.

Protection of the setting of our City is important. Greenfield development on the scale currently proposed will place additional pressures on our roads and Community.

Speeding is also a cause for concern and is often raised. Its good to see the 20mph zone near Pontprennau Primary School has been put in place.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

For me it has to be City Hall and the Civic Centre that surrounds it. To me it symbolises the potential that Cardiff has which was the vision of the City Fathers in the early part of the 20th Century – I’d like to regain that spirit again.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Democracy and how it works should be taught in schools in an impartial way. I would like to see the press highlight some of the positive contributions made by the democratic process.

On a local level it is important that people understand the importance of County Council elections. They play a major role in delivering the governance of our schools, community facilities and quality of life.

What’s your favourite film?

Mamma Mia!

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

We will work as a team to address the issues our Community faces. Parking and congestion is a problem faced by many areas in the ward.

If both elected, Joel and I will hold a public meeting inviting all members of the Community, the new Cabinet Member with responsibility for traffic and transportation, the local Police, senior Council Officers and members of the business community. No real progress will be made with this issue unless there is real change in Council priorities.

The Council must be tough on flytipping and use CCTV footage and covert methods to detect and prosecute offenders.

If our Party is in control we will have a team of Officers dedicated to local areas to deal with issues such as; litter and drain clearance, parking issues, potholes and hedgerow, verge and grass cutting.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We keep residents informed through our regular newsletters. We also send our targeted letters to areas that are affected by a particular issue. We will continue to call on residents and seek their views.

Since 2015 the Pontprennau Community Facebook page has been a great way to highlight local issues and respond to concerns raised by residents. Hopefully we have proven to the Community that we work well as a team and can do much more if both elected in May 2017.

Social media has become an important way of communicating quickly with residents and this must continue. It is also important to use traditional ways of communication by letter, email and telephone.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I am very concerned about the cleanliness of our City. When overseas visitors have come to Cardiff they have commented on the blight of litter on Cardiff roads.

Congestion is a major concern. With roads already at full capacity something must be done urgently to address this issue.

Care for the elderly and the education of children has got to be a priority for all elected members.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

  • Better transport, including light rail connections in the east of the City. Some parts of my ward do not even have a bus service.
  • Cleaner outskirts and suburbs, free of litter.
  • New building should be more distinctive and reflect local building styles and use local building materials.
  • Less traffic congestion. It can take an hour and a half to cross the City by road.

Any final comments?

I care passionately about this City and the ward in which I live. To be a local politician, you must have passion, commitment and a drive to make things better and its wise to develop a thick skin!

Masudah Ali: Labour – Llanishen

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Masudah Ali

Name – Masudah Ali
Party – Labour
Ward – Llanishen
Website –
Twitter  – @Masudah_Ali
Facebook – llanishenlabour17
How can people get in touch with you? –

About You

Tell us about yourself

I was born and brought up in Cardiff North. Law Student at Cardiff University and Ex-Llanishen High School Pupil and went to Ton-Yr-Ywen Primary School. I joined the Labour Party when I was 14, ever since I have been involved with campaigns, elections and working with Julie Morgan, Assembly Member for Cardiff North during my summer holidays. I am an avid supporter of lowering the voting age to 16 as issues which affects young people are not high enough in the political agenda.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

  • Restoring Llanishen Reservoir & securing the return of sailing and leisure activities for the community with new owners Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water.
  • Secure the future of the local Police Station and Library in Llanishen and Thornhill by creating a new Community Hub in the Police Station building.
  • Raising school standards even further.
  • Better transport links, including walking, cycling and local bus services.
  • Improving local parks and neighbourhood shopping centres, such as Fishguard Road and Llangranog Road in Llanishen

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Cardiff Bay Barrage! Best tourist attraction and unique to our city!!

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Voting should be extended to 16 & 17 year olds!! The current proposals from Welsh Government will help engage young voters and place their issues in the political agenda.

Also, using social media to connect with local residents.

What’s your favourite film?

Bridget Jones’s Baby.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

  • Campaign to restore Llanishen Reservoir and bring back sailing and other leisure activities.
  • Work to ensure our schools continue to improve.
  • Work to improve our local shopping centres and open spaces.
  • Support a new Llanishen library and community hub.
  • Hold regular Councillor surgeries.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

  • Hold regular surgeries in Llanishen and Thornhill
  • Via Facebook and Twitter.
  • Produce regular newsletters.
  • PACT Meetings.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I’d like to be involved with Cardiff’s City Deal, the £1.2 billion investment is an amazing opportunity for the growth of our City, unlocking a fantastic new partnership between the 10 councils in South East Wales to work on projects such as improving regional transport.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Improve the transport system.

Any final comments?

I hope you will consider voting for your Llanishen and Thornhill Labour team on Thursday 4th May!

Dilwar Ali: Labour – Llandaff North

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Dilwar Ali

Name – Dilwar Ali
Party – Labour
Ward – Llandaff North
Website –
Twitter  – @DilwarAliLAB
Facebook – llandaffnorthlab
How can people get in touch with you? –, Phone, Surgeries, Facebook & Twitter.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I live in Llandaff North and was elected to Cardiff Council on 3rd May, 2012. I also served as Deputy Lord Mayor of Cardiff 2015/2016. As a Councillor this has given me a real insight into the wide range of needs within the community and I understand the value of engaging, listening and learning. I am an Associate Member of the Royal Society for Public Health, Member of Cardiff City Supporters Trust, Member of the Advisory Board, Uprising Cymru and involved with many organisations as well as fundraising for many charities. I am a founder of NAID (Nationwide Association for Integrated Development), a charity established in 2001, and serving Director of NAID. I have served last 5 years on Cardiff Council’s Economy and Culture Committee, Democratic Services Committee, Constitution Committee, South Wales Fire & Rescue Service and Cardiff Airport Consultative Committee. I am a governor at Gabalfa and Hawthorne Primary Schools. I have vigorously campaigned for reform of the law relating to dangerous dogs and animal welfare generally. Also a keen fan of both cricket and football.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Residents around the ward have different issues, as every street is different but we have heard more often is speeding, parking, potholes and improvements to Hailey Park, Bowling Green and Tennis Court.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Love Llandaff North because of the great community feeling and lovely to have Hailey Park & Taff Trail so close to me.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

I have a real insight into the wide range of needs within the community and I understand the value of engaging, listening and learning.

What’s your favourite film?

Star Wars.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Schools: Education is a priority for Welsh Labour. We continue to invest in all our local schools, ensuring we provide the children and young people of Llandaff North with the best education and facilities.

Parks: Our local recreation facilities are a vital part of our community. Myself and Jennifer Burke-Davies promise to improve and maintain our parks to promote health, leisure & sports, and the environment.

Potholes: Will ensure all pavements and roads are resurfaced across Llandaff North. We support the Safer Roads and ’20 is Plenty’ campaigns to make our streets safe for everyone.

Street cleaning: With the support of Keep Wales Tidy and Cardiff Council, we will campaign to ensure our streets are free of litter and well-maintained.

Surgeries Advice: We will continue to hold regular advice surgeries around the ward and engage with residents on any issues that affect them. Our aim is to support you.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Quarterly newsletters which reaches every household, Llandaff North Labour Website, Facebook & Twitter and I am always available by phone, email or at surgeries.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

My interests include better cycling and public transport, the regeneration of Llandaff North, Central Square and Cardiff Bay.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Whilst serving on Economy and Culture Scrutiny Committee, I have had a keen interest on trams for Cardiff.

Any final comments?

I would like to thank residents of Llandaff North for the opportunity to represent the area since 2012 and whether you voted for us or not – I hope you’ll consider putting your faith in your local Llandaff North Labour Team, (myself and Jennifer Burke – Davies) to keep delivering our promises on Thursday May 4th!

Matthew Dixon: Liberal Democrats – Llandaff North

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Matthew Dixon

Name – Matthew Dixon
Party – Liberal Democrats
Ward – Llandaff North
Website –
Twitter  –
Facebook –
How can people get in touch with you? – Either by the Facebook address listed above, or by contacting our head office in the city centre at 38 The Parade.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I was born and brought up in England – first in Bournemouth and then in Northumberland. I moved to Cardiff for university and have stayed here ever since – which is longer than I care to mention! For the past couple of years, I’ve been living on the Gabalfa Estate, on the banks of the A48. In my day job at present, I handle complaints in the financial sector (something that might stand me in good stead when dealing with complaints from local residents!) Outside of work I’m an active Christian, and a licensed preacher. I guess that the sort of things I preach in church and the sort of values I feel I hold as a Liberal Democrat go hand in hand. My core political views are very simple – we should all be looking out for those less fortunate than ourselves. That places me firmly in two camps. First up, it means I’m politically left of centre – in favour of us all looking out for those less fortunate than ourselves here in the UK – particularly those reliant on the state for support. However it also means I’m a very passionate internationalist. Until we voted to leave the EU, I don’t think I realised how passionate an internationalist I was. We need to not just be looking out for the poor of our own country, and putting up barriers to stop help reaching those in need from abroad, but we need to be welcoming in those in need – particularly the refugees from the devastating wars going on in the world today. We can do so much more together than can by ourselves.

So, why am I standing in this election? Well first and foremost, I believe that everyone should have the right to vote for the Liberal Democrats, and send a strong message to Theresa May, Jeremy Corbyn and others that a large number of us are not in favour of this very isolationist Brexit that is being pursued without any regard for the large number of people who voted against it. Secondly, I believe that Cardiff deserves better from its council. I’ve been ashamed to see articles in the local press time and time again about infighting in the group who are supposed to be running our council. I’ve been ashamed to see the state of our streets, and serious litter problems. I feel that things need fixing, and I believe the Liberal Democrats are the ones that can do that.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

One issue would have to be litter – both in terms of needing more street sweeping, and problems with fly tipping. Closure of the vital resource of the Wedal Road tip would only exacerbate the issue. I was disheartened when someone on the doorstep said he had had enough of politics because of a litter problem that had not been dealt with. There’s various transport issues as well. I’ve heard complaints about busses getting cancelled, and there’s been positive support for a Gabalfa and Mynachdy Station that would greatly benefit the east side of the ward. Also, there’s a rat-run that needs dealing with alongside the slip road to Gabalfa roundabout. There’s potholes that need dealing with as well, generally the roads need tidying up.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

I’d have to say Cardiff Bay. I don’t go there nearly often enough, but when I do it always feels like I’m on holiday. It’s an example of what Cardiff can be like where effort is put in and somewhere we should all be proud of as a city.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

First and foremost – education in schools about politics. A friend of mine used to work in the prison, and spoke of the courses they ran explaining how changes can be made through political means – why are our children not taught that in schools? Secondly, allow 16 and 17 year olds the right to vote. They’re easily old enough, and being put off at that point might turn some of them off for good. Finally, amend the voting system. Our Assembly system is decent, but our Westminster system is hopelessly broken. Much as I hate their policies, I still feel in all fairness, UKIP should have about 80 MPs based on how many people voted for them, and not the 1 they got at the time. Too many people think either “What’s the point in voting?” or “If I vote for the party I want to, it will be wasted.” Neither is good.

What’s your favourite film?

Good one! I’m not going to go all highbrow and insightful, but I’ll go for either Dogma, American Pie or one of the Mr Bean films!

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

We need to tackle the litter problems across Cardiff. Getting more street sweepers out – particularly after bins have been collected – will be a priority of myself and my fellow Liberal Democrats. I will continue to fight against the closure of the Wedal Road tip, and I am in favour of scrapping the charges for bulky waste collection – to deal with the fly tipping problems. I will listen to the various issues that have already come my way since I announced my candidacy for this ward, and work with my Liberal Democrat colleagues in the council to put policies in place that will improve the lives of all across the ward. I will also continue to press for the new Gabalfa and Mynachdy station to ensure better public transport links can benefit the whole of the Llandaff North ward.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will hold regular surgery sessions in The Hub to meet with residents in the ward. I will set up relevant online presence – e-mail, website and Facebook. As we have in other parts of the city, I will produce regular Focus leaflets to keep the people of Llandaff North informed of what myself and the wider Liberal Democrat team are doing.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

It is an absolute scandal that in a first world country like Wales, in our own capital city, there are large numbers of people who are left living on the streets. This is a scandal we should not accept, and I would really like to get involved in doing whatever can be done to help these people back into the world of housing.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

In short – Cardiff needs a change of government. We need to have a party leading the council that doesn’t find itself time and time again in the local news because there’s a leadership challenge, or fighting between councillors, or an endless stream of defections and by elections. Plaid Cymru and the Conservatives will never have the numbers to replace Labour as the largest party on the council, but there is a genuine chance that the Liberal Democrats can do just that.

Any final comments?

Non submitted (Editor)