Tag: rhiwbina

Adrian Robson: Conservatives – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Adrian Robson

Name – Adrian Robson
Party – Conservatives
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – rhiwbina.campaigningforyou.com
Twitter  – @Adrian1Robson
Facebook – adrian1robson
How can people get in touch with you? – 02920627757, adrian1robson@live.co.uk.

About You

Tell us about yourself

First elected in 2004, I’ve been on various Council committees, including the planning committee. Also currently sit on the Glamorgan Archives Joint Committee and am a Non-Executive (unpaid) Director of Cardiff Bus.

Aside from politics, am a member of Cardiff Speakers Club where I practice and compete in public speaking contest.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

The key issues are basic services. Residents want their bins emptied on time, roads and pavements, swept and in a good condition. Drains cleared, grass cut and lights repaired. Traffic schemes such as a right turn filter at the Ty Wern/Caerphilly Road junction or full pedestrian facilities at the Monico are also needed. And of course retaining facilities such as Rhiwbina Library and Wedal Road are crucial.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

I’m going to pick two places. Firstly the views from Wenallt Road back across Rhiwbina, the City and across the Severn Estuary. The second is Cardiff Bay and the Barrage, showing how the city has grown and developed since the 1980s.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Politics need to have people who do what they say they will. People need to see how their vote will make a difference. If the issue is relevant to them, or they can make a real change, then they will engage in politics.

What’s your favourite film?

The Shawshank Redemption.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Keep pushing for the basic services to be delivered and for roads to be improved. I’d like to see new bus shelters constructed and the community skip scheme reintroduced. Plus retaining what we have already got, whether it is Rhiwbina Library, Wedal Road or the Pantmawr Inn.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Regular newsletters, plus updates on social media. Also advice surgeries throughout Rhiwina and Pantmawr. I’m happy to receive enquiries via any method.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

For me, the largest issue facing Cardiff is the Metro and the development of the transport infrastructure as the city grows. We’ve one opportunity to get it right and all Councillors need to get involved in this.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

The relationship with the business community is generally very poor. Business is a key pillar of Cardiff’s success and, mostly due to personalities, there has been real fallout. It doesn’t move the city forward in the way a modern Capital city needs.

Any final comments?

Rhiwbina and Pantmawr is one of the strongest communities in Cardiff and a fantastic part of the city to represent. The residents get behind campaigns they believe in (for example approx 1,000 people turning up at the meeting to call for a community poll to save Rhiwbina Library’s funding). Rhiwbina Councillors are left in no doubt as to what residents want and we make every effort to achieve it.

Jayne Cowan: Conservatives – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Jayne Cowan

Name – Jayne Cowan
Party – Conservatives
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – rhiwbina.campaigningforyou.com
Twitter  – @JayneCowan
Facebook – jayne.cowan.5
How can people get in touch with you? – Mobile 07970 013332, jaynecardiff@gmail.com, Twitter or Facebook.

About You

Tell us about yourself

Born and brought up in Cardiff North, I have lived here all my life. I started my adult life as a teacher, after qualifying in Cardiff with a Science Degree with Qualified Teaching Status. I later went on to complete a Masters Degree in Education.

Married to Adrian, who is also a ward colleague in Rhiwbina, we live locally on Manor Way. Along with Adrian Robson, Oliver Owen and Amanda Anderson, I have enjoyed staging Rhiwbina’s first Street Food Festivals. The festivals raise money for local charities and good causes, and also bring a wonderful selection of excellent food to the local area. I have been involved with charities my whole life, and am a proud ambassador for Autism Puzzles, a local based charity. My Dad was a Past President for St John Wales, and I was delighted to be asked to follow in his footsteps by becoming the President for Rhiwbina and Llanishen Division.

Since first elected in 1999, I have been pleased to support the work of the Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society, and Adrian Robson and I were pleased to be made Presidents. The Society hold their shows in Rhiwbina twice a year.

The fabulous Rhiwbina RATS are a very successful local amateur group who perform a number of shows across the year and are celebrating their 60 year anniversary this year. Adrian and I support the shows, and became patrons a number of years ago. As a proud chairman of Governors at Greenhill Special School in Rhiwbina, it has been wonderful to see how the school have developed and is recognised as a green performing school which is credit to the teachers, staff team, pupils, their families and my excellent governors.

I enjoy swimming, tennis, calligraphy, cooking and social media!

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Parking is an issue which the local police are trying to address. Parking problems are always discussed at the Partnership and Community Together (PACT) Meetings and is a priority, which means it gets heightened attention. With the birth of social media, a number of residents share information on this matter.

Even though Wedal Road isn’t in the ward, it is a much used facility for residents living in Rhiwbina. The future of the site is subject of much discussion.

The future of Rhiwbina Library – thanks to a wonderful campaign with the local residents, the library had a stay of execution, but there is no cast iron guarantee for its future. It is essential that it is retained as it is the busiest library in the City (with the exception of Cardiff Central) and I will do all I can to retain it. A huge thanks to the residents for their support with the campaign.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Rhiwbina – there is so much on offer from excellent shops, beautiful scenery, lovely parks and most importantly amazing people with true community spirit who work tirelessly for others, charities and good causes.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Politicians need to be engaging, accessible and visible. This needs to be done via social media, meetings in person, ward surgeries and home visits. The ward surgeries should be held at different times, different days and in different venues.

What’s your favourite film?

The Sound of Music.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

  • Remain very visible, accessible and always ready to help.
  • Campaign to keep Rhiwbina Library open indefinitely.
  • Campaign to keep Wedal Road open.
  • Fight to improve the roads and pavements – not just with minor works, but with large scale improvements.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

Keep informing residents of local issues and events via newsletters, social media and meetings.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

  • Wedal Road Recycling Centre.
  • City Deal.
  • Job Creation.
  • Look again at the Local Development Plan.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I’d like to see Cardiff become a cleaner City with the Council having more of a focus on the needs of residents. Many residents talk about improving the council’s roads and pavements, security of Wedal Road and commitment to keep Rhiwbina Library open.

I’d like to see the next Council having a good relationship with the business community to maximise opportunities for Cardiff.

The City Deal is critical for Cardiff and the surrounding regions – Cardiff needs to show it is open for business and ensure all opportunities are taken.

Any final comments?

I have had the pleasure of representing Rhiwbina since 1999, and I would like the opportunity to continue to serve Rhiwbina and Pantmawr. Rhiwbina is a very special place with a wonderful community spirit.

Stephen Lake: Plaid Cymru – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Name – Stephen Lake
Party – Plaid Cymru
Ward – Rhiwbina
Twitter  – @steffanllyn
Facebook – Plaid Cymru Gogledd Caerdydd / Cardiff North
How can people get in touch with you? – steffanllyn@gmail.com

About You

Tell us about yourself

I’m a software engineer who’s lived in Cardiff most of my life. I believe greater efforts are required to improve social justice, with a more equitable spread of wealth across regions, social classes and generations. I’m also very concerned at the degradation of our environment and would like to see more sustainable development given greater priority.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Traffic congestion.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Bute Park: I cycle through it on my way to work and I love the way it changes through the seasons.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

  1. A fairer voting system.
  2. A reduction in the voting age.
  3. Timely publication (on easily-accessible web sites) of the voting records of all publicly elected representatives; all financial dealings with external bodies; and all planning decisions.

What’s your favourite film?

Groundhog Day.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Protect green spaces by revoking and reforming the Local Development Plan; promote green, sustainable transport to reduce traffic congestion and pollution; improve transparency of council decision-making and financial dealings; ensure that recycling is made easier for all residents with local, accessible recycling centres.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will publicise my activities via web site, Twitter feed and quarterly leaflets delivered to all electors in the ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Traffic congestion and sustainable infrastructure; housing to reflect local needs; and environmental improvement.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

  1. Transparency of the way the council operates: too many questionable land deals and re-classifications have occurred under the present administration.
  2. Traffic congestion and pollution need to be tackled to improve everyone’s health and quality of life.
  3. The rise in homelessness in the city must be tackled by ensuring development is appropriate to local needs and not just private profit.

Any final comments?

Non submitted (Editor)

Dale Hargrove: Liberal Democrats – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Dale Hargrove

Name – Dale Hargrove
Party – Liberal Democrats
Ward – Rhiwbina
Twitter  – @Dale_KWHargrove
How can people get in touch with you? – Tweet or dalekwh@gmail.com.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I’m Dale, I’m a student at Cardiff university. I am a keen fencer and love good competition. I have a sense of duty to help the country as best I can, and currently I think it’s time I got involved in being a candidate. I’m studying politics and I have realised that people want change with the current system, such as having a fairer voting system in local elections as well as national elections.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

The biggest issues I believe the Rhiwbina ward to be facing, is the lack of a public toilet in the area, this causes problems for families as well as people passing through. There is also the threat of Labour closing the Wedal road tip, without providing an alternative to the residents of Cardiff, I’d aim to keep this open until we had established a clear alternative.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Personally, I love the bay. I’ve been down there a couple of times, I walked down to it on my second night in the city and immediately fell in love with the place. I think it really shows off the city of Cardiff as well as Wales with the Senedd.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Education. There are so many young people who are not interested in politics, not because they are wilfully ignorant of elections, but because we are not taught in schools about how to vote, or how to register.

What’s your favourite film?

Les Misérables.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I wish to establish a public toilet in Rhiwbina to make the area more accessible. I also wish to make the council more transparent so that the residents in my ward can find out information that they require from the council in a fair easier more accessible way.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will communicate via email and Twitter, helping them to the best of my ability and responding to the residents as fast as I can.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I believe trying to keep the Wedal road tip open will be beneficial to all of the residents of Cardiff. It is a key facility for people, I would like to work with other councillors and services to establish a replacement service as opposed to just shutting it down without any thought, which is what Labour are currently planning.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I personally would like to try and get Cardiff to be greener. There is far too much rubbish in the streets and it really takes value away from the beauty of Cardiff. It is an amazing city with so much to offer, it should be able to look the part as well.

Any final comments?

Regardless of whether or not you think me or my party can represent you best. Make sure you get out and vote, and tell your families to do so as well. We are lucky enough to live in a place where we can vote, it is a shame people do not do so.

Eleanor Sanders: Independent – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Eleanor Sanders

Name – Eleanor Sanders
Party – Independent
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – Not set one up choosing other communication routes.
Twitter  – @IndependentRhi1
Facebook – Eleanor Sanders
How can people get in touch with you? – Mobile 07802225425 or eleanor.sanders@cardiff.gov.uk.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I live in Rhiwbina and I am the Independent Councillor for Rhiwbina and Pantmawr seeking re-election. I am mum to two daughters who attended local primary and high schools and I enjoy being a Local Authority school governor at their previous primary school. As a new grandma 👵 I’m enjoying meeting other grandparents understanding the help we are able to give to our families. Looking forward to perhaps setting up a Grandma’s meeting point shortly. I work part time at my local church, Rhiwbina Baptist Church, with the many and varied activities this large church offers.

As Chair of Trustees of Cardiff Foodbank I have seen need across our city and have strived to work with others to meet that need.

My nursing experience gained through over 20 years working in the NHS has enabled me to support many across Rhiwbina to navigate their way through care services. I have very much enjoyed serving my community over the past 5 years and look forward to the next 5.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

One of the biggest issues is public transport. Not just the infrequency of buses but the routes they take. Getting around the city proves very difficult for many is what is reported to me.

Many potholes appear in our roads, many reappearing when original repairs are inadequate. A major overhaul of repair schedules is urgently needed.

Many roads used as shortcuts, especially during morning and evening school and work runs, increases the risk of accidents with the need for traffic calming schemes to be put in.

Some parents raise concern about the ability to get their children into the local Rhiwbina primary schools as often the year group is over subscribed. A mapping exercise is needed to address this.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Well obviously where I live in Rhiwbina! We are blessed with beautiful trees, parks and at the moment our bluebell wood on the Wenallt. Having taken up running two years ago, being able to run around our parks such as Caedelyn Park, reminds me I live in a beautiful area of the city.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Demonstrating that anyone can be involved. Showing by example many in politics aren’t what the media often likes to portray them as. Mentoring and training. As an independent I would say you don’t have to be a member of a political party to be involved.

What’s your favourite film?

Um many but currently La La Land.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Listen to residents to hear and address their concerns through regular ward surgeries. Develop intergeneration conversations through school/ community to help break down generation barriers. Work hard to keep our Rhiwbina Library open and run by the Local Authority. Improve our roads, lobby Cardiff Bus regarding inadequate public transport as well as further improve primary school education as a School Governor.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

As a Rhiwbina resident I meet residents out and about during the course of my regular work around the ward. Regular ward surgeries advertised locally, PACT meeting regular attendance as I have been doing as well as newsletters; Social Media and email.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I have been heavily involved in bringing faith communities together in closer partnership with third sector and statutory organisations to address issues of homelessness for the vulnerable across our city. I intend to continue this work increasing closer working as well as helping those in need.

There is much work to do to support the vulnerable across our city. Whether it’s raising awareness of human trafficking or providing debt advice in our Foodbank centres these need to be further developed.

As a Corporate Parent for Looked After Children I would ensure each child or young person has the opportunity to achieve their full potentially educationally.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I would like to see the equalising of opportunity right across our city addressed. That each child irrespective of where they live reach their full potential. I’d like to see plans to improve employment opportunities for all particularly those who could fall into a category referred to a NEETS. If we don’t invest in the next generation our city will not prosper. I’d like to ensure funding for Social Services is increased, in particular increasing funding given to support domiciliary care in the community keeping older residents living as independently as they are able.

Any final comments?

Thank you for the opportunity to set out my ‘Independent’ thoughts and priorities for Rhiwbina over the next 5 years.

Alan Golding: Labour – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Alan Golding

Name – Alan Golding
Party – Labour
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – rhiwbinalabour.cymru
Twitter  –
Facebook – RhiwbinaLabour
How can people get in touch with you? – alan@rhiwbinalabour.cymru / 07818403367

About You

Tell us about yourself

I visit Rhiwbina at least five times a week supporting its local businesses, and have been doing so for the last five years, starting with my involvement in establishing the Farmer’s Market. I believe Rhiwbina has the potential to become a thriving centre for independent businesses and an attractive visitor destination. Originally from the Rhondda, Cardiff has been my home for twenty years. As a documentary producer I need to be a good communicator and listener, be organised, considerate, persistent and determined to get things done; all skills I believe that are needed for a committed and effective representative for the people of Rhiwbina. I started my career making television programmes with the intention of inspiring people to think – and hopefully change for the better – the world they live in, their quality of life and how they treat others and nature; issues of education, environment, health, culture, food production and understanding others; taking into account differences appropriately. I am passionately against injustice, unfairness, inequality, exploitation and misinformation, and despite living in a world that seems so challenging for the majority of people, I still believe that positive change is possible.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Parking, Wedal Road, Redevelopment of Nat West Bank, Potholes, Public Transport, Heritage.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

Snails Deli, Beulah Road, Rhiwbina. Love the people, love the place, love the coffee.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Politicians need to be completely honest, stop being conservative with the truth, don’t take credit where it’s not due, hold their hands up when they are wrong, and don’t promise things they can’t deliver… I could go on… this would be a good start anyway!

What’s your favourite film?

12 Angry Men.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

I’d love to solve the parking problem (it’s much more complicated than it appears!).

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

You can’t beat talking to people face to face.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

Health, Transport, Waste.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

I love Cardiff… but there are loads of ideas I’d like to explore to make it better – too many to include here! Sorry, if this sounds like I’m ducking out of answering this question but it’s a big one that deserves more than 250 words!

Any final comments?

Non submitted (Editor)

Clare Jones: Labour – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Clare Jones

Name – Clare Jones
Party – Labour
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – rhiwbinalabour.cymru
Twitter  – @ClareJonesGPR
Facebook – RhiwbinaLabour
How can people get in touch with you? – Email clare@rhiwbinalabour.cymru or call 07793 382021

About You

Tell us about yourself

Originally from Newport, I have lived in Cardiff for the last ten years and moved to Pen Y Dre in Rhiwbina around eight years ago.

I have a two-year-old daughter, and really feel I have started to enjoy the full benefits of living in Rhiwbina since starting a family (partly from being at home more) – and I particularly love the sense of local community (including the number of local community groups for children and families) and green open spaces and parks that Rhiwbina has to offer.

Following my maternity leave, I decided to start my own specialist PR and communications consultancy, Grasshopper PR (www.grasshopperpr.co.uk), which will be celebrating its second birthday this month. I have enjoyed the entrepreneurial challenge of running and growing my own business, as well as the flexibility this has given me to fit work around my family. My professional experience is focused around community engagement for planning, development and infrastructure, providing a range of skills and insights that I believe would be beneficial to the role of a Councillor.

Outside of work and being a mum, I enjoy playing netball and touch rugby with the Varsity Vandals, as I find team sport a fun and sociable way to keep fit. I also enjoy cooking, gardening and photography.

As my daughter approaches school age, I want to invest in my local community and help make sure Rhiwbina remains a great place to raise a family, and I also think it is important to make sure the views of mums, parents and families across Cardiff are properly represented, and have therefore decided to stand as a candidate in the local election.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

Rhiwbina is a great place to live, with some of the best schools in the City, a diverse High Street, its very own conservation area maintaining the local heritage and character of the area, and a variety of green open spaces. And so far we have found, when speaking to people across the ward, that generally there is a limited range of issues being raised, with people generally seeming pretty happy with the performance of the current Labour run Council in terms of local services and managing the local environment etc.

However, there are of course some issues, and the key issues that we have identified (and based our pledges around) are as follows:

  • Ensuring the long-term future of Rhwibina Library
  • Traffic management and the need for 20mph zones to be rolled out in certain areas of Rhiwbina
  • Road maintenance and resurfacing improvements
  • Lack of parking availability (and need for improved management of parking) around Rhiwbina High Street and local train stations
  • Need to support local businesses (in an increasingly challenging environment) to ensure a vibrant and diverse local High Street

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

One of our favourite things to do as family at the weekend is go for a walk (or a bear hunt) in the Wenallt woods.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

There seems to be a general mistrust of politicians and a consequent apathy in relation to politics. I strongly believe a more diverse range of local representatives, that people can identify with more easily (as being like them) – would help make a start in terms of encouraging people to engage with politicians and the work they do.

What’s your favourite film?

Twin Town.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

Our election pledges are as follows:

  1. Help build a vibrant community and economy by supporting local businesses and traders
  2. Preserve Rhiwbina’s green spaces and unique buildings
  3. Improve traffic management and road surfaces
  4. Address parking problems by exploring new and creative solutions
  5. Continue to support Rhiwbina Library

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

We believe a range of communications approaches is key to ensuring effective engagement and dialogue, not only with the more engaged segments of society (that vote and engage in consultations etc), but also less engaged residents, for example, younger people (who are after all the future of out City).

Therefore alongside the more traditional approaches of political communication (newsletters), we would ensure a strong social media presence, as well as a commitment to building relationships with existing community networks and activities to help us engage with a range of people across the ward.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

As I have mentioned previously, my professional background is in planning, regeneration and economic development, so this is an area I would be particularly interested in taking a city-wide involvement in.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

Traffic and congestion around the City at peak times is clearly currently problematic – and I would like to see Cardiff lead the way in delivering initiatives to get people off the roads. In my view this needs to be a combination of improved public transport, encouraging active travel (steps having already been taken to explore this through initiatives such as the recent consultation on the Cardiff Cycling Strategy) and facilities to encourage and facilitate flexible and remote working (within both the public and private sectors).

Any final comments?

I would just encourage everyone to use their vote and have a say on May 4th.

Jonathan Land: Liberal Democrats – Rhiwbina

We’ve invited all the local election candidates to complete this questionnaire so you know more about the people asking for your vote on the 4th of May. We’re also compiling a list of their websites and social media accounts so you can follow them and get in touch if you have any questions.

Name – Jonathan Land
Party – Liberal Democrats
Ward – Rhiwbina
Website – cardiffld.org.uk/rhiwbina
Twitter  – @ElseJon
How can people get in touch with you? – By email.

About You

Tell us about yourself

I’m running as the Liberal Democrat candidate for Rhiwbina. I have lived in Rhiwbina nearly all my life and have loved living here. I went to Exeter University for two years, and saw how much of a difference there was between the two cities. While I love politics, I do like to keep up with business developments within the Technology and Energy industries. I also have a bit of a sweet tooth, which has caused me to spend a bit more on food shopping than what most people spend.

What are the biggest issues in your ward?

I believe the biggest issue here is Transport. As more and more people are using cars, we need to start investing more in public transport to make it more accessible. I will be pushing to get the transport hub funded in the centre. I will also push with other city councillors to push for the South Wales Metro that has been proposed.

Another big issue I believe is Education. While the primary schools in Rhiwbina are some of the best in the City, I think there’s some real concerns about the Secondary schools in the area. And whether they are doing enough to ensure the equip kids with the knowledge to succeed in the future.

What’s your favourite place in Cardiff and why?

St Davids Shopping Centre. I always go there to get all my shopping done, and they always have something going on there.

What do you think should be done to improve engagement in politics?

Like a lot of candidates, I think communication is key to get people engaged in Politics. People don’t see our policy makers and to challenge and comment on they beliefs and their actions.

What’s your favourite film?

The Big Short.

If You’re Elected

What will you do to improve your ward?

If elected I will be pushing to get the transport hub funded in the centre. I will also push with other city councillors to push for the South Wales Metro that has been proposed.

I will also work to pilot smaller class sizes, so that children have the attention needed to help make them succeed. I will work with councillors in other wards to keep account and push for better improvement for Secondary schools in catchment areas.

How will you communicate with residents in your ward?

I will try to have video chat sessions with constituents, this is so we can communicate what’s best for Rhiwbina. The Lib Dems is also known across the country for it’s Focus Newsletters, this is key to let people know what I, as well as other Lib Dems are doing in the council.

What issues that affect the whole city would you like to get involved in?

I would love to get involved with the proposed Cardiff Tidal Lagoon. I think that it could be a great opportunity to create a more sustainable City.

Also Wedal Road Recycling Centre is also a big issue for many. While the council has left it open for now, I would like to keep it permanently open, as closing it could lead to more fly-tipping.

Final Comments

What would you change about Cardiff and why?

The council, it needs a united government to be effective and not be at war with each other all the time. I’m worried that if Labour is in charge there will be constant internal power struggles, stalling any change or projects to help make Cardiff a better place.

Any final comments?

Please vote, as it really makes a difference. And if you don’t like any of the candidates, mark your ballot with anything. Your apathy towards the political parties will be heard, and not forgotten.

Local Elections 2017: More Candidates Announced

Local Elections 2017: More Candidates Announced

We’ve created a dedicated page for the ever-growing list of candidates standing for election next year.

Independent Heath councillor Fenella Bowden has confirmed she’s standing for re-election, along with Conservative Rhiwbina councillors Jayne Cowan and Adrian Robson.

Joy Coughlan and David Hamblin are standing in Gabalfa for Labour.

Former AM Jonathan Morgan posted on Twitter that the Whitchurch and Tongwynlais ward will be contested by Mike Phillips, Linda Morgan, Tim Davies and Mike Jones-Pritchard for the Conservatives.

You can subscribe to our blog for more updates and follow us on Twitter.

Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe

Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe

We asked readers from Cardiff North to tell us what’s happening in their community. This week, Clare Rowthorn tells us about Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe in Rhiwbina, a joint venture with Laura Tilley, developed under the guidance of the charity Purple Shoots. Clare lives in Rhiwbina with her husband Chris and two children Joseph and George. She works at Rhiwbina Baptist Nursery as a Nursery Assistant.

I have a passion for working with children and young people with additional needs and feel very committed to developing an inclusive society in which all people can feel valued and thrive. Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe is a self-reliant group (SRG) trading under the charity Purple ShootsIt’s a joint venture between myself and Laura Tilley with parents, Jo and Derek.

Laura from Miss Tilley's Community CafeLaura is 22 and lives in Tongwynlais with her parents and brother Marc. Laura has Down’s Syndrome and is the inspiration behind our community cafe. Laura has recently completed a three year course at Derwin College, Shropshire, where she has been living and studying. Laura has now returned home to continue to develop her independence and to pursue her many skills and interests.

Laura and I have been friends for 8 years and met when I applied for a carers post supporting Laura on her return home from school each day. Laura and I hit it off over a shared love of music and dancing in particular to Justin Bieber! Over the years Laura, myself and our families have become firm friends.

On Laura’s return from college a joint venture began with the launch of “Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe (SRG)”. Laura and I have recognised that on leaving school and college people with additional needs and disabilities find it very challenging to find employment and this can lead to them feeling undervalued and isolated. The aims of our cafe are to “promote equality and celebrate diversity” and we have identified the community as playing a vital role in supporting young people in reaching their potential and essentially in recognising their self worth.

Miss Tilley's Community Cafe

The communities of Rhiwbina and Tongwynlais have been hugely supportive of our venture. Beulah United Reformed Church have very kindly provided us with The Whittaker Lounge as a weekly venue for our cafe and we have been overwhelmed by the support and kindness of customers and willing cake makers from both villages. We are very grateful and excited that so many people share our vision of inclusion and meaningful employment for all. At Miss Tilley’s everyone is welcome and all can come and enjoy excellent quality tea, coffee and cakes in an accepting and inclusive environment.

Miss Tilley’s is open every Monday during term time from 10:00 – 12:30 at The Whittaker Lounge, Beulah United Reformed Church, Rhiwbina.

We’re planning a ‘Pop Up’ event in Tongwynlais Village Hall on the 15th October serving tea, coffee and cakes. Details will be posted on the Miss Tilley’s Community Cafe Facebook page.  

We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support of our community venture, and look forward to welcoming you to our cafe soon!

If you’d like to share your stories from Cardiff North, please get in touch or say hi on Twitter.